Are you looking to build a great bicep that looks impressive at first glance? Well, with these Workout routines you can build a real good looking biceps in no time. So you can show them off whenever you hit a beach.
Bicep Workout Routine#1
Barbell Curls
Use a shoulder length grip and hold a barbell with an underarm grip. Stand up straight and lift the barbell towards your chest in an arc, keeping your elbow and arms locked. Lift the weight as much high as you can squeeze the bicep for a count and return to the original position.
Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12
Bicep Workout Routine#2
Standing Bicep Cable Curls
Attach a short bar to the low pulley machine and grab the bar with an underarm grip using both hands. Stand straight and curl the bar in such a way that it reaches your shoulder. And return slowly to the original position. Keep your elbow locked towards your side.
Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12
Bicep Workout Routine#3
Incline Dumbbell Curls
Lie back on an incline bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Let your arm straight down on each side. Slowly curl your hand in such a way that dumbbell reaches your shoulder level. While curling the dumbbell twist your wrist parallel to the ground and then slowly return to the original position. Also keep your elbow and body stationary so that the complete weight is slowed upon your bicep.
Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12
Bicep Workout Routine#4
Ez Bar Spider Curls
Using a regular Preacher bench, grab and Ez bar and rest your elbow and triceps on the opposite of the preacher and then press the bar towards your shoulder in such a way that you feel the weight on your bicep. Then return to the original position slowly.
Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12
Bicep Workout Routine#5
Cable Rope Hammer Curls
Use a rope attachment to low machine pulley. Grab the rope with your palms facing towards you and then press the rope towards your body in such a way that it reaches up to your chest level. While doing this keep your elbow steady and slowly return to the original position.
Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12
Bicep Workout Routine#6
Two Arms Dumbbell Curls
Hold a dumbbell in each hand keeping your hands hanging downwards. Now slowly curl your dumbbells up and try to touch your shoulder keeping elbows stationary. When you are pressing the dumbbell up twist your palm facing towards you and then return to the normal position
Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12
Bicep Workout Routine#7
Hammer Curls
This is same as the dumbbell curls but the difference is through out the workout you keep your wrist locked. First grab the dumbbell in each hand keeping your hands handing and then in the same position without twisting your wrist curl them up to your shoulder. Then slowly return to the original position keeping your elbows stationary.
Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12
After all above workouts you will see your biceps turning into a better shape and hence in few days adding some muscle mass onto those guns. So when are going for a SHOOT OUT?
Thank you!