"Luncheon" is a famous book of Somerset Maugham. Maugham was once a struggling writer. He was not rich. He let a simple life.
One day a lady worte him a letter, expressing her appreciation over a book written by him. She wanted to meet him in person at "Fyot" and have a lunch on with him. Maugham agreed for that. He had only 80 Franks. The lady said that he was a poor eater. The lady started ordering one by one. First she ordered Salmon and Caviare. Maugham ordered for himself only Mutton chop. The lady went on ordering one after another saving that she ate very little for lunch. He suggested that Mutton chop are heavy for lunch. She then ordered Champigne. She talked happy of art and Literature. But Maugham thought of paying the bill. Then lady ordered for Asperagus followed by Icecream and Coffee, the last item to attract our eyes was Peaches. At last the bill arrived, Maugham had paid 77 franks for a bill and three franks for tips. The lay call him a miser and took
leave of him and advising him not eat more than one thing for lunch following her example.
Maugham could not suppress her anger. He met the lady 20 years later in a drama he sound it difficult recognise. She became very fat. Maugham was very happy because it was the punishment of God.