General terminology- for general knowledge
Certain terms used in our daily life to give a certain meaning. Some such words are given below:-
1) Adult franchise: A right of voting granted to the all adult citizens of a prescribed age of a country with out distinction of caste, color or creed.
2) Affidavit: A written declaration of evidence on oath.
3) Alma mater: University or school where one was or is being educated.
4) Ambassador: A diplomatic envoy of the highest order sent by one country to another.
5) Blackmail: To extort or to force somebody to act under the threat of defamation or physical violence.
6) Black money: Unaccounted money, concealed income and undisclosed wealth or money gathered either by illegal means or not declared for tax purpose.
7) Braille: System of reading and writing for the blind.
8) Census: An official enumeration of in habitations with statistics relating to them.
9) Envoy: An official messenger below the rank of an ambassador sent to another country.
10) Estate duty: A duty levied on the estate or property which changes hands on the death of a person.
11) Fifth column: People who work secretly against their own government and help the enemies.
12) Free port: A port where no duties are levied on articles of commerce.
13) Interpol: international criminal police organization. It is a fight against international crime.
14) Manifesto: A written or oral declaration of intentions.
15) Population explosion: A great rise in the rate of growth of population.
16) Public sector: All undertaking financed and controlled by the government.