Positive and negative, the aspect is present for matters only. Like, you have matter and anti matter.
And when they interact with each other, they annihilate, and produce energy, in the form of light.
So, light, I think, is like the 0 state you are referring to, purest form of energy
There is nothing like balancing energy, I feel. Energies are additive. They interfere, and thus return back to the same state as they were before. A state is said to be balanced, if despite any perturbations, it returns back to the same state as the previous state. In that sense, radiations do retain their state.
If Dark Energy exists as claimed my many modern scientists then possibly we can have a form of negative Light and Darkness won’t be merely absence of light, but a form of energy in itself.
It will be like, where ever this form of energy fall, we can’t see them anymore but even if Dark Energy exists, it’s hard to have Negative Light as, light is a subset of its mother, the Electromagnetic Wave and if we consider the vibrations in the Electric and Magnetic fields, the Electromagnetic takes into account both the negative as well as the positive Electromagnetic fields. So, no room for any more variations and we it only one kind of light. It’s the Identity element in the set of energies.
If we talk of light, imagine a light ray of amplitude 10v and another of say 5v but 180 degree out of phase, then add them up and the value is reduced.
So, for the 10v signal, the 5v signal is what you call negative light.
Dark matter and dark energy can be the explanation for negative light or negative energy. In fact scientists are thinking that dark matter can give answers to many questions like how the hollow universe is balancing and why is it not moving apart so rapidly, the way it should normally.