Grape Theme Final Image :
Open a new document of width = 600 px and height = 480 px. in Adobe Photoshop CS2 and in Illustrator also. Continue with the following procedure :
STEP 1 : Create a new layer by selecting the 'New layer' icon in layers box. Name this layer = Background. Fill this layer > Background, with color # 710000 ( Dark Red ).Fill the Background layer using shortcut = ALT + Backspace. We are not going to add any effects to the background. This layer's contribution is very little but effective.
STEP 2 : This step is the beginning of drawing a single grape shape. Draw a circle using an Ellipse Shape Tool. Use SHIFT + click and drag to get a perfect circle. Let the circle shape be big, as we are going to draw an highlight curve inside the grape later, so having a small grape size would be inconvenient. Once the shape is drawn, click the shape icon with color in the layers box twice ( double-click) to change the color. Set the color to simple WHITE. Now right click the circle shape layer and select the option called > Blending options or go to Layer menu > layer style > Blending options. Select the option = STROKE. Set the stroke size to 5 px. The color of the stroke is Black. The stroke is positioned = Outside.
STEP 3 : For highlighting purpose, let us draw an arc shape to place inside the circle. Use the Pen Tool, click on the area and then click non top of that point but this time do not take your finger away from the mouse but hold on and drag a little so that a curve is formed. Next, click near the first point again iat some horizontal distance between the first and this (third) point. The resulted path is not a closed figure. to give a color for this path, create a new layer and then with the same pen tool selected, right click the arc shape that we draw here, and select the sub option called = STROKE PATH. Under the tool, select Brush option. Before doing this, you have to set the foreground color in the color box as = Black and also set the brush style and size and then use the Stroke path option. You will notice that the path is filled with black color.
STEP 4 : Once you have the arc, position it inside the circle shape and now select both the circle and the arc shapes using selection tool ( SHIFT + select shapes to select both shapes at the same time OR CTRL + select the shape layers to select both the shapes ).Once both are selected, use the Free Transform Tool or the short cut, CTRL + T and reduce the size to form a small grape figure. Now, you can select both these shape layers and right click and use the option = Merge layers. Both are combined as a single entity. You can name this layer as = Grape. Now you can make multiple copies using CTRL + J by first selecting the Grape layer. You can allign these duplicate copis of grape figure in such a way, they form a bunch of grapes. You can also group the individual grape images using LAYER menu > GROUP LAYERS.
STEP 5 : This step involves the help from Adobe illustrator. Draw an arc using the Arc tool in the tools box available with the line tool. The arc does not have a fill color, so set the stroke color to = Black and stroke size is set to 5 px. Now, use the Twirl Tool available with the Warp tool and click on the edge of the arc. You will notice an effect of concentric circles. Select this arc and drag it into the Photoshop document. Position this in any order. One is place in the left side corner. Make a duplicate of this by selecting the shape and press ALT and click the shape and drag. Using the Transform tool, rotate the duplicate and also right click when the transfom tool is effective and make use of options called = Flip Horizontal / vertical. Position this on the right side.
STEP 6 : Make use of the arc shapes for allignment purpose. Make copies of the brunch of grapes in the group ( right click the group in layers box and select Duplicate Group option). These groups of bunches can be rotated and arranged accordingly in different directions by positioning them over the arc shapes that contribute as the grape vine. Next use the Pen tool again to get a random path. Create anew layer and right click and use the Stroke path option to get the path stroked to Black color. Position the path in the center. Check that the vines made from path and arcs with the bunch of grapes are alligned as shown in the image.
STEP 7 : To add extras, use the Custom Shape Tool available with the rectangle shape tool in Tools box, and make use of the shapes called = Leaf 5 and Leaf 6. Dra them in any size. The fill color for those leaves is Black. Use transform tool and rotate them and place them with the buch of grapes alligned with the vine. Proper allignment is important without leaving empty spaces.
STEP 8 : Just to fill up the space, let us create a glass, representing grape wine. Drawing the glass might be easier in Illustrator due to the availability of arc shape tool. In Illustrator, use the arc shape tool to draw the curve side of the glass and line tool to cover the top. Use the pen tool for drawing the stand and once again the line tool to draw the leg of the glass. Since all the parts are seperate pieces and not one single form, select two corners of two shapes, that is for example, the corner point of the arc and the nearest corner point of the line forming the leg. Selct both the points at the same time using DIRECT SELECTION TOOL. After selection is made, go to OBJECT menu > PATHS > MAKE PATH. Similarly, select all corner points and follow the same. Finally all the individual paths are joined as one.
STEP 9 : Use the arc tool and line tool and draw the top part of the glass like in Step 8 and have a closed figure. Place this inside the glass. The size is smaller than the glass. This portion is supposed to form the drink. The stroke color for this shape is also black. Once these two shapes are drawn ( Step 8 and 9) drag them into the Photoshop document, INDIVIDUALLY. They will be placed as smart object and as single entity. Hence, to be able to make changes for both, you must place them seperately, one at a time. Name the glass layer as = Glass and the other shape layer as = Drink.
STEP 10 : Make the adjustments for the Glass and Drink layer. The change will not be seen immediately, as there would be another step coming up. Right click the layer and select the Blending options. This feature is also found at Layer menu > Layer style > Blending options.
Effect for the Glass layer : The effects used for the Glass layer are (1.) Drop Shadow (2.) Satin (3.) Color Overlay.
- Drop Shadow setting : The shadow color is = Black and the Blend mode is = Multiply with opacity of 75 %. The shadow is placed at an angle of 120 degree with Distance set to = 14 px, spread retained at 0 % and size equals to = 5 px. The contour used is = Linear contour with no noice, that is noice is of 0 %.
- Satin Setting : The satin color is = # cc9999 ( Pink shade) and the Blend mode is = Multiply with opacity of 50 %. The shadow is placed at an angle of 19 degree with Distance set to = 10 px, and size equals to = 13 px. The contour used is = Gaussian contour with Invert option selected.
- Color Overlay adjustment : The color used is # cc9999 ( Pink shade) and blend mode is Normal and opacity is 100 %
STEP 11 : Make the following adjustment for the Drink layer. The same Blending option is used. Items used under Blending options are > (1.) Inner Glow, (2.) Satin, and (3.) Color Overlay.
- Inner Glow setting : The Blend mode is = Screen, and the glow has opacity of 75 % and noice of 35 %. The glow color is the default # ffffbe (light yellow color ). The ' Softer ' technique is used and the source is selected as edge. The choke percentage is zero and the size is set to 5 px. The contour used is the Linear contour and range is set to 50 % and Jilter is set to zero percentage.
- Satin Setting : The satin color is = Black and the Blend mode is = Multiply with opacity of 50 %. The shadow is placed at an angle of 19 degree with Distance set to = 11 px, and size equals to = 13 px. The contour used is = Cone contour with Invert option selected.
- Color Overlay adjustment : The color used is # 7d1b1b ( Dark Brown shade) and blend mode is Normal and opacity is 100 %
STEP 12 : Create a new layer by selecting the 'New layer' icon in layers box. Name this layer = Color 1. Fill this layer > Background, with color # 710000 ( Dark Red ).Fill the Background layer using shortcut = ALT + Backspace. Place this layer on top of all the layers created so far. Set the Blend mode of this layer in the Layers section as = DARKEN. Set the forground color in color swatch as = # 710000 ( Dark Red ) and the background color as # 770306 ( Dark brown). Selecting this layer, use the FILTER GALLERY in Filter menu and use the filter style namely > Texture > Grain. Set the grain intensity to 25 and the Contrast to 50 with Regular grain type used. Select the layer and make a duplicate copy of the Cover 1 layer. Name this duplicate as = Cover 2. Set the Blend mode of this layer as = DIFFERENCE and place it over the Cover 1 layer.
STEP 13 : Next step is to apply border. For applying border to the Background, use rectangular marquee tool and make a rectangular selection in such a way that you leave a very thin margin on all four sides and select the entire area. Next use SELECT menu > REVERSE option and you will see an area is selected. Now create a new layer and name it = BORDER, and keeping the selection as it is, set the foreground color as = # 42574d ( Grey). Use ALT + Backspace to fill the Border layer. The result is that, the selection is filled with grey color in the new layer created = BORDER.
STEP 14 : Selecting the Border layer, go to FILTER menu > FILTER GALLERY > TEXTURE > CRAQUELURE and adjust the Crack spacing to 45, Crack Depth to 5, and finally the Crack brightness to 9. Set the Blend mode of this layer as = PIN LIGHT. The additional effects that we add to the border is through Blending options. The options used are > (1.) Outer Glow (2.) Bevel and Emboss (3.) Color Overlay (4.) Satin.
- Outer Glow setting : The Blend mode is = Screen, and the glow has opacity of 75 % and noice of zero percentage. The glow color is the default # ffffbe (light yellow color ). The ' Softer ' technique is used with spread set to 4 % and size is set to 5 px. The contour used is the Linear contour and range is set to 50 % and Jilter is set to zero percentage.
- Bevel and Emboss settings : The bevel used is = ' INNER BEVEL ' and technique used is = Smooth and size is= 5 px with Depth= 100 % and direction set to = UP and soften level is px. The contour used is = ' Linear contour ' and Highlight color is white and mode is = Screen and shadow color is Black and mode is = multiply and both set at 75%. The bevel is placed at an angle of 120 degree.
- Satin Setting : The satin color is = # 07eea5 ( Light Green color) and the Blend mode is = Multiply with opacity of 75 %. The shadow is placed at an angle of 19 degree with Distance set to = 14 px, and size equals to as large as = 234 px. The contour used is = Half Round contour with Invert option selected.
- Color Overlay adjustment : The color used is # ff0000 ( Red shade) and blend mode is Normal and opacity is 100 %.
STEP 15 : The next step is to type the text. Use the Type tool in the tools box and Type a text (in this example, Grape Vine) with Font set to = ' Pristina ' and Style set to = Regular with Size increased to as large as = 90 pt and Smooth effect is selected as style. The color used for the text is Color- # 676763 ( Grey shade). Now select the letter G of the word Grape and change the size to 105 pt and the color is changed to # d1d1bd (Light Grey shade ). Make the same change( as applied to the letter G) to V as in the word Vine. Leave the Blend mode of this layer in layers section as = Normal. Check that the layers are arranged in the following order.