Final image :
STEP 1 : Open a new document of width - 640 px and height - 410 px. Use the Type tool in the tools box and Type a text (in this example, 2009) with Font set to - ‘Times New Roman’ and Style set to-Regular with Size increased to as large as - 250pt and Strong effect is selected as style. The color used for the Text is Color- # 3488de (which is a blue shade). Now make a duplicate copy of the Text layer using CTRL + J to keep it as reference for future just in case you need to make any changes later. Hide this Original text layer. Name the Duplicate as = Text_2009. Leave the Blend mode of this layer in layers box as = Normal.
STEP 2 : Creating a custom pattern > Under the Custom Shape tool, select the shape > 10 Point Star Frame. The shape is filled with color - # e8460e (Orange shade). Draw the shape of a decent size. Make many copies of this shape using CTRL + J and move them and place them in any position. I placed it near to each other. You can select the SNAP option in the VIEW menu to place them correctly. Leave the Blend mode of this Shape layer to = Normal in the layers box. Once you have placed the shapes in order, use the rectangular Marquee tool and select the area containing the pattern. Now, go to Edit menu > Define pattern and give a name for the pattern as 'STARS'. Now you can delete all these shapes as the pattern is saved.
STEP 3 : Use the Rectangular Marquee too and select the area around the text covering some white space also. Create a new layer and name this as = Pattern. Now in the tools box, use the tool called = Pattern stamp tool. Using this brush the selection with the pattern we created above, that is = Stars. this will be available at the extreme end among all other patterns. After Brushing, the result is that, the pattern is bushed in the layer called > Pattern. Set the Blend mode of this Pattern layer as = VIVID LIGHT. This is the most important step as this is what adds the effect to the text.
STEP 4 : Creating background > Now select the text with some white space around it using rectangular marquee tool and go to Edit menu > copy and create a new layer and paste it here. Name this layer as = Background 1.This copy has the text and a white background. Hide all other layers Now in this layer, use the 'Magic Wand' tool and select any white area. Now, go to Select menu > similar so that all the hidden white areas are also selected. You can now fill the selection with any color for background. I chose # dfe10d(yellow shade). Once you have done this, you will notice that the text has no stroke and gives out a cool look. The Blend mode is = Normal.
STEP 5 : Make a duplicate copy of Background 1 layer and name the layer as Background 2. Now, for this layer, apply filter effect. Go to Filter > Filter Gallery > Artistic > Film Grain. Set the Grain amount to 2, Highlight area to 7, and Intensity to 8. Leave the Blend mode to = Normal.
STEP 6 : Under the Custom Shape tool, select the shape > 10 Point Star Frame. The star shape is filled with color # 1fe866 (green shade). Draw the star shape and place it near the letters - '00'. If the shape is hiding the letters, go to Layer menu > Arrange and use the options under it may be 'Bring to front option'. Also use the Transform tool to rotate it if necessary. Set the Blend mode of this Shape layer to = COLOR DODGE in the layers box.
STEP 7 : Now, create THREE duplicate copies of the star shape using the shortcut CTRL + J by first selecting the star shape. The colors of all these shapes are the same and the Blend mode is also the same= Color Dodge. Place these shapes in various places. Place some below the text, in such a way that only half of the shape is visible and the balance half is hidden. Use the Transform tool to rotate if necessary to blend them properly.
STEP 8 : Under the Custom Shape tool, select the shape > 5 Point Star Frame. The star shape is filled with color # e62a49 (dark pink shade). Draw the star shape and place it anywhere. If the shape is hiding the letters, go to Layer menu > Arrange and use the options under it may be 'Send to Back'. Also use the Transform tool to rotate it if necessary. Set the Blend mode of this Shape layer to = VIVID LIGHT in the layers box.
STEP 9 : Now, create FOUR duplicate copies of the star shape using the shortcut CTRL + J by first selecting the star shape. The colors of all these shapes are the same and the Blend mode is also the same= Vivid Light. Place some below the text, in such a way that only half of the shape is visible and the balance half is hidden. Place some in the corners. Do not forget to use the Transform tool to rotate or else they would look like they are orderly placed and may not be effective. This is a simple sandy look theme for the text using basic shapes available.