Final image:
Open a new document of sixe, width-600px and height – 460px and set the background as Black color.
Procedure for having stronger upward fire effect for Text:
1.) Type a text (in this example, Image) with
Font- ‘Eras Light ITC’ and Style-Regular
Size- 250pt and sharp effect.
Color- White.
Name this layer as- Image1
2.) Select the Image1 layer and set the default Gradient Overlay options and use the Gradient- ‘Greens’ in blending options.
3.) Create a duplicate of this layer and name it- Image2. Change the Gradient style in Blending options> Gradient overlay as- ‘Violet, Orange’.
4.) Now, select the Image1 layer and use the Rectangular marquee Tool to select around the text and use the option, Edit > Copy merged and select, Paste in a new layer.
5.) Use the Magic wand Tool to select the Black colored areas and delete them so that you will have the text only without background.
6.) Repeat the Same process- 4 and 5 for the Image2 layer also.
7.) Select the Image2 layer and use the Transform Tool, to reduce the size of layer by a little bit only. Position the layer near the Image1 layers so that, it would look like this.
8.) Select Image1 layer and make the following adjustments.
Use Filter menu > Filter Gallery > Texture > Stained Glass.
9.) Select Image2 layer and make the following adjustments.
Use Filter menu > Filter Gallery > Distort > Glass.
You will have something like this!
10.) After making the above filter effects, Select the image 2 layer and supplicate it and name it image 3.
Use the Transform Tool to scale it down and Position it near the two texts, preferably behind them.
11.) For the Image3 layer, Use Filter menu > Filter Gallery > Stylize > Glowing edges and use the default values.
Set the Opacity -50% and Fill-50% in the layer box.
You can then merge all layers. Keep copies of originals and group the so that they can be used in the future.
Similarly, you can use fifferent filter effects to combine in two or three texts.