Final image:
Open a new document of sixe, width-800px and height – 600px and set the background as Black color.
Procedure for having stronger upward fire effect for Text:
1.) Type a text (in this example, Boddunan) with
Font- ‘Eras Light ITC’ and Style-Regular
Size- 175pt and sharp effect.
Color- White.
2.) Create another copy of this layer and keep this layer for future reference. Name the new layer as Boddunan.
3.) Rasterize the layer- Boddunan by right clicking the layer and select, rasterize type.
4.) Select Image menu> Rotate Canvas > 90degree CW.
5.) Select Filter menu > Stylize > Wind and select the options, Method-Wind, Direction- From the left.
6.) Select Image menu> Rotate Canvas > 90degree CCW to get back to the original canvas size.
The reason we are rotating is to change the wind direction.
Use CTRL + F to increase the amount of Wind.
7.) Now you can use, Filter menu > Blur > Gaussian Blur or any other types of Blur to reduce the sharpness.
8.) Now we shall use the Liquify option to make the text a little shaky as in a fire.
Select, Filter menu > Liquify > Twirl Clockwise and set the Brush Pressure to- 50 and scribble over the text. You may not see the output here. Click ok and exit.
9.) Now create another copy of this layer but set the Fill level to – 80%. The reason for doing this is for having a stronger fire.
10.) Now let’s add fire color. Create a new fill adjustment layer by selecting, Layer menu > New fill Layer > Solid color. Use the color- # d7890d.
Set the mode of this layer as – Color Burn.
11.) Now simply duplicate this adjustment layer to have a stronger effect.
See that the layers are arranged in the following order!
You can additionally add more adjustment layers to had more stronger effects to the fire!