Open a new document of size, width-640px and height – 300px and set the background as Black color.
Let us try to add different effects to the Text. We are going to see five types of effects such as:
(A.) Plain Gold (B.) Dull Silver (C.) Shiny Gloss (D.) Hard Rock (E.) Light Grass
A.) Procedure for having Text with Plain Gold effect:
1.) Type a text (in this example, gold) with
Font- ‘Bernhard Modern Std’ and Style-Roman
Size- 250pt and sharp effect.
Color- White.
2.) Create another copy of the Text layer and hide the original for reference. Name this layer as Gold.
3.) Select the Gold layer and make the following adjustments in, Blending options (Right click layer and select blending options).
(a.) Drop shadow (b.) Inner Glow (c.) Bevel and Emboss (d.) Color Overlay (e.) Stroke
a.) Drop shadow settings:
Blend mode- Multiply
Color- # d4d60d at Opacity- 75%
Angle-120 degree
Distance-5px, Spread-0px and size-5px
b.) Inner Glow settings:
Blend mode- Normal
Opacity-100% and Noice-0%
Color- # d8be0f
Technique-Softer and placed at Edge.
Choke-0px and size-5px
Contour-Linear at range-50% and Jilter-0%
c.) Bevel settings:
Please set the bevel settings as stated in the following image.
The contour style used is ‘Ring’. Color for Highlight mode is- # d8c739 and the color for shadow mode is- # dc8d2f.
d.) Color Overlay settings:
Blend mode- Normal
Color- #ebb600 and Opacity-100%
e.) Stroke settings:
Please use the following settings as seen in the image for Stroke.
The Gradient is custom made. Select a bicolor gradient divided equally for two colors. Set one color as # dde32c and the other color as # f6aa17.
Simple isn’t it? The above effects are all made in one layer only.
Final image:
B.) Procedure for having Text with Dull Silver effect:
1.) Type a text (in this example, Silver) with
Font- ‘Poor Richard’ and Style-Regular
Size- 250pt and sharp effect.
Color- White.
One additional step is to use the Text Warp feature. It is not necessary to do that.
Text Warp adjustments:
Style- Bulge and Horizontal with Blend at +29%.
2.) Create another copy of the Text layer and hide the original for reference. Name this layer as Silver.
3.) Select the Silver layer and make the following adjustments in, Blending options (Right click layer and select blending options).
(a.) Inner shadow (b.) Inner Glow (c.) Bevel and Emboss (d.) Satin (e.) Gradient Overlay
a.) Inner shadow settings:
Blend mode- Multiply
Color- Black at Opacity- 100%
Angle-120 degree
Distance-5px, Choke-0px and size-5px
Contour- Ring and Noise-56%
b.) Inner Glow settings:
Blend mode- Screen
Opacity-90% and Noice-0%
Color- White
Technique-Softer and placed at Edge.
Choke-0px and size-5px
Contour-Cove Deep at range-50% and Jilter-0%
c.) Bevel settings:
Please set the bevel settings as stated in the following image.
The contour style used is ‘Linear’.
d.) Satin settings:
Blend mode- Multiply
Color- white and Opacity-100%
Set the Angle- 19% and distance is-1px with size set as 38px.
Use the Linear contour option and select the ‘Invert’ option.
e.) Gradient Overlay settings:
Set the Blend mode – Normal with opacity as 100% and style used as Linear with angle-90% and scaled to 100%.
The Gradient style used is the available- Two color gradient of colors white and black.
Final image:
C.) Procedure for having Text with Shiny Gloss effect:
1.) Type a text (in this example, Gloss) with
Font- ‘Futura Bk’ and Style-Book
Size- 250pt and sharp effect.
Color- White.
2.) Create another copy of the Text layer and hide the original for reference. Name this layer as Gloss.
3.) Select the Silver layer and make the following adjustments in, Blending options (Right click layer and select blending options).
Only two Blending options are used but are very effective.
a.) Bevel settings:
Please set the bevel settings as stated in the following image.
The contour style used is ‘Ring Double’.
b.) Gradient Overlay settings:
Set the Blend mode – Normal with opacity as 100% and style used as ‘Reflected’ with angle-90% and scaled to 150%.
The Gradient is custom made. Select a bicolor gradient divided equally for two colors. Set one color as # 1a4423 and the other color as # 20af11.
Final image:
D.) Procedure for having Text with Rock effect:
1.) Type a text (in this example, Rock) with
Font- ‘Franklin Gothic heavy’ and Style-Regular
Size- 250pt and sharp effect.
Color- White.
2.) Create another copy of the Text layer and hide the original for reference. Name this layer as Rock1.
3.) Create another copy of the Text layer name this layer as Rock2.
4.) Select the Rock1 layer and make the following adjustments in, Blending options (Right click layer and select blending options).
Only two Blending options are used but are very effective.
a.) Bevel settings:
Please set the bevel settings as stated in the following image. The balance options are at default.
The contour style used is ‘Linear’.
b.) Patten Overlay settings:
Set the Blend mode – Normal with opacity as 100% and scaled to 95%.
The pattern used is ‘Dark Grey Flecks’.
5.) Select the Rock2 layer and make the following changes:
a.) Bevel settings:
Please set the bevel settings as stated in the following image. The balance options are at default.
The contour style used is ‘Linear’.
b.) Patten Overlay settings:
Use the same settings as above as in Rock1 layer.
6.) Create a New Pattern fill Adjustment layer which is available in Layer menu > New fill layer > Pattern.
Select the pattern- Black weave and set the mode of this layer to – ‘Overlay’.
See that this adjustment layer is placed over Rock1 and Rock2 layers.
7.) Create a new layer and place it below the rock1 layer and fill it with color- # 432828 as background.
Note that you have arranged them in the following order.
Final image:
E.) Procedure for having Text with Greenery effect:
In this effect, no Blending options are used. Instead we will be simply using the Brush Tool.
1.) Type a text (in this example, Green) with
Font- ‘Eras Bold ITC’ and Style-Regular
Size- 200pt and sharp effect.
Color- White.
2.) Rasterize the text layer as we will not need it. If you want, first duplicate the layer and keep original for reference and Rasterize the copy.
3.) Use the magic wand tool and select the black layer and click delete button. This is done to keep only the Text in the layer without any background.
4.) Use the Brush tool of any sizes and click the three styles of brushes already available such as- Grass, Scattered maple leaves and maple leaves.
Use different shades of Green and paint them in fewer amounts inside the text.
5.) Use the pattern stamp tool and also paint with the pattern- Wood so that the brown wood and Green grass would blend well.
Set the Blend mode of this layer to ‘Darken’.
6.) You can them import a bright colored brown shade image and place the layer beneath the rasterized text layer. You can now see the blend effect.
Final image:
Similarly, you can create different Text effects using Blending options and combination of options