Central nervous system in our body


Man body is a machine. Organs are working of the parts.

Our body is a wonderful living machine. Just as a machine is made up of many parts, our body is also made up of many parts like muscles, tissues and other parts.

Blood works is like water works, through supply in the total body.

The system which control different function and regulates them is the nervous system.

We perform many actions like stepping back immediately if we happened to step on any object in darkness, etc. these actions in our body take place without our involvement. Such actions are under the control of nervous system. Nervous of this system are spread throughout the body nerves help us feel pain, heat, clod and touch.


Central nervous system

There are 3 types of nervous system

1) Central

2) Peripheral

3) Autonomous


The central nervous system consists of brain and spinal cord. The three main parts of the brain are

A) Cerebrum: it helps to think, remember, feel, hear, speak, see, taste and touch. The center for these sensations is present in this part of the brain.

B) Cerebellum: it coordinates various function of our body.

C) Medulla oblongata: it connects the brain with spinal cord. It helps in conveying messages from the body organs to brain and vice versa.


Reflex actions: spinal cord is the continuation of brain downwards. It plays a main role in reflex actions in the form of a cable sending messages without the involvement of Brian. For example when a thorn pricks our leg we immediately withdraw our leg and try to remove the thorn. This type of reaction in response for stimuli is taking place without the knowledge or involvement of brain. Such reactions are called reflex actions.

A) A person in sleep moves his foot when touched by a feather without his knowledge.

B) Many of us salivate on viewing or smelling any delicious and aromatic food we like.

Peripheral nervous system

This nervous system mainly consists of cranial nervous and spinal nervous. Cranial nerves are those nervous originating from brain. There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves.

There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves. The spinal and cranial nerves in turn give more branches which help in sending messages or impulses from the sensory organs to the brain and vice-versa.


Autonomous nervous system

It is free from the control of our will but co-ordinates and controls the working of various organs. This nervous system is spread on the two sides of the vertebral column. The various functions like circulation of blood, excretion, etc. are controlled by the autonomous nervous system.


Points to remember

a) The system which control different functions and regulates them is the nervous system. Nervous system is of 3 types. These are central, peripheral and autonomous nervous system.

b) Various centers of sensation are present in the brain.

c) The spinal cord acts like a cable helping in carrying out reflex actions.

d) Autonomous nervous system is not under our control and yet it control and co-ordinates various organs of our body.

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