Looking at the blue bg of boddunan, I decided to write a photoshop tutorial, that will enable you to do this(eye popping!!!):
Yeah!!! lets get started (Note: this tutorial is made assuming you are familiar with Photoshop).
First make a new file in photoshop(any size you like)
Next fill the canvas with black(use the paint bucket tool, select black and fill the bg)
Now click on the brush tool, select a soft brush(see the image for settings)
Pick a low saturated color of blue(or any color of your choice) Make a oval glow at bottom center of the canvas (if you have a CRT monitor, you may not see the blue oval in the following image)
now, select the gaussian filter (filter>blur>gaussian) and enter the following settings (or whatever makes the oval blurry)
Now take the custom shape tool,and select the sun like shape.If you don't see all shapes, click on the little arrow in the top right, you'll get the option to see all shapes.(select the sun shape)
Make sure this is selected (top left of properties bar)
Now make a large shape like this(holding shift while clicking and dragging)
Now select the pen tool, right click on the canvas and select make new selection option
when you have the selection, go to menu : Select>transform selection. Now you'll see a bounding box, right click it and select perspective and click and drag one of the top corners handle of the bounding box, to get something like this (after using perspective, I right clicked and used scale and reduced height by dragging top center handle to get more realistic perspective)then press enter.Now the selection should've been scaled and shaped.
Now create a new layer, use the soft brush we used previously, to enhance the color at the center(remember, we've not lost the selection yet)
repeat the same procedure of soft brushing the shape, with a high saturated blue. finally you get a nice colored shape like this: Now deselect the selection (Ctrl+D)
Create a new layer, select the brush tool, reduce the brush size and make smoke like strokes(many strokes - with the big soft brush and some strokes with a small round brush ).I used a big soft brush with low opacity and white color to get a whitish glow in the center.(use the dodge tool to enhance glow)
When you are satisfied, select the smudge tool and again select a soft round big brush for smudging.Smudge the smoke strokes upwards and you should end up with something like this
Now select a small brush(may be a 3px one) and use the brush settings(scattering and shape dynamics) to get a scattery dots brush.(if you need to know how to do it, see my other tutorials).Now make strokes with scatter brush around and inside the smoke
Finally create text (select a color similar to that of the edge of the smoke then create text), right click the layer and select rasterize layer.Place the text at the top of the smoke.Now use the smudge tool to blurr off the text (be careful that you don't over do it and make the text hardly visible, I've written KTK).
For final touches, I used the dodge tool and burn tool to create highlights and shadows
Happy Photoshop learning!!!