Hi friends, in this article will see about the various process involved in Respiration. Most of know only about Inspiration and Expiration. But we are not aware of the processes taking place in between them. Let us now see them in detail.
Respiration is a process by which oxygen reaches the body cells and is utilised by them in metabolism and carbon-dioxide formed as a waste product gets eliminated. Respiration involves the following processes:
- VENTILATION: Ventilation is the breathing-in of air with more oxygen into the lungs(inspiration). It is followed by the expulsion of air with more of carbon dioxide(expiration).
- DIFFUSION: Diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood in the surrounding capillaries.
- TRANSPORT: Transport of oxygen by the blood to the heart through the pulmonary vein.
- DISTRIBUTION: Distribution of oxygen by various arteries and their capillary network to all cells of the body. As the blood passes through tissue cappilaries, it gives up oxygen (and nutrients such as glucose) to the body tissues and picks up waste products of cellular respiration(carbon dioxide and water).
- EXCHANGE: Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and body cells. With in the body cells glucose and oxygen take part in a complex series of reactions which provide energy to power the cells. During this cellular respiration glucose is converted to carbon dioxide and water(Enzymatic oxidation).
- TRANSPORTING: Transporting of blood with carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is carried back in the blood to the heart, then to the lungs, where it diffuses into the alveoli and is breathed out of the body(External respiration).
- EXCHANGING: Exchanging of carbon dioxide with oxygen at the alveolar surface.
- EXPIRATION: Expiration of air with carbon dioxide from the lungs.
Thus i hope this article would give you valuable information about the processes of repiration.