It is the lymphatic sac located in the epigastric region of the abdomen at the level of is located immediately right to ABDOMINAL AORTA.It receives lymph from all the parts of the,it receives from the
1)lower limb.
2)the abdominal visceras like the stomach,kidney,pancreas,ovary,testis,etc.,
it is the largest lymphatic vessel of the body which receives the lymph from all parts of the body. It is the upward continuation of the cisterna starts at the level of lower border of T12 thoracic enters into the thorax by passing through aortic opening at the level of T12 along with abdominal aorta and azygous vein.
its relation in the aortic opening are as follows
1)anteriorly diaphragm
2)posteriorly T12 thoracic vertebra
3)to the right is the abdominal aorta
4)to the left is the azygous vein.
it then passas through the posterior mediastinum and then through superir mediastinum and arches at the level of transverse process of the 7th cervical crosses to the opposite side at the level of T4-T5 ie. at the level of sternal creates a impression on the left lung and ends by draining at the angle between left subclavian vein and left internal jugular vein.
1)thoracic duct may be compressed by the surrounding tumour and microfilariasis
2)if the thoracic duct is injured lymph leaks into the thoracic cavity and pleural cavity.this is to be corrected surgically by the ligature of thoracic duct.