I give You all Information about for my personal data only ..
Now the World become the Internet for everything. After 10 years the world may not be without Internet..
In that many websites came for all purposes. if We create and release a website in the year of 2010 and it will be most popular in the world.
Its true,because on of my friend create a website and published in the year of 2008 and now it became very popular and getting more money from that..
For all Internet lover get a free website through google. Google Provides free templates and code for free.. and we have to only update it make money from ads for our websites.
Google introduce a service is blogger in the year of 1999 and blog spot celebrate its 10th year birthday and growing more in the year on year ..
First we have do Log-in to blogger using ur Google Account and create blog and publish it free..
and I also created blog called thangaraju.com and from that website latest movie news and MP3 Downloads Movie Downloads and Everything for free about cinema..
Watch it..and any doubt post a comment in my blog site..