What is Internet
Internet has become an essential part of our lives and without internet; no work can now be completed. When we see one or two decades ago, it is an entertaining part of our life. This service can be use for enjoyment purpose but with the development of technology, it becomes an essential part of our lives.
Today, people are mad for internet. They want high-speed internet for performing day-to-day purpose. They cannot live a single hour without checking their e-mail account. If they want something over the internet, they open a browser and type desire word. They easily found a solution of their problem over the internet. Today, people like video conference for talking to their relative. For a home user, it becomes a thing of enjoyment. They use YouTube to watch favorite movies, video clips. They always want to update their face book status. For all this purpose, they all are in looking for a high-speed internet service.
According to the survey, 75 % of adults use internet broadband service at their home. One more survey take by USA in year 2008. According to the survey, about 58 % of internet users use cell phone or other electronic device such as PDA etc for non voice talking such as sending Email, Recording video on cell phone and many other. About 42 percentage of people use WI-FI enabled computer and laptop or any other device for accessing high-speed internet without any barriers.
When we go some year back, we have very limit device or option through which we can use high-speed internet.
1. Suppose that you use a laptop or any other electronic media such as mobile phone, which is WI-FI, enabled then you can easily use free WI-FI hotshots to surf the internet and check your e-mail account in WI-FI enabled area such as Airport, Collage campus, Multiplex or any other places.
2. If your mobile phone Supports a WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) Service then you can use the internet.
3. If you own a Smartphone, BlackBerry model then you can easily use WAP service but in a simple way. You can check E-MAIL and browse internet with high speed.
However, today all things have changed. Today there are many mobile broadband networks that offer you high-speed internet, but you have to pay a good amount of money to use that service. Let us see the different types of mobile broadband network services in India.
For providing mobile broadband service on mobile phone, internet providing companies uses above two technology. These technologies work on our mobile phone. These all are controlled by Radio Wave and Frequencies. Mobile phone and radio Tower send a signal in the form of packets containing digital information back and forth against each other and vice versa. What happen in this technology, packet containing digital information carry Information in the form of voice data. Packet containing information also carry other type of data in the form of Email, Music file, video file and web page, Streaming Video and lots more.
For operate mobile broadband service in India. Mobile companies use two technology such as Global System for mobile communication (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). In our Country GSM is more popular to use as compare to CDMA for using the internet. CDMA is more popular in United State of America for accessing Internet. Two Services GSM and CDMA are different because they use different technology to share Space on a radio spectrum. Both technology Uses different algorithms so that a large number of people share internet service without any disturbance.
3G or mobile phone broadband is also known as third generation mobile phone technology. Both technology GSM and CDMA has its own 3G technology so that user take the advantage of high-speed internet over a network.
CDMA technology uses EVDO for mobile broadband service in India. The most interesting fact is that it runs over a part of mobile, give full and entire data. When we use a voice call, it requires lots of bandwidth so that it can maintain the quality of sound that we receive. Voice channel separated by data channel for enjoying high-speed internet for sending EMAIL, watching video and surfing net. EVDO technology gives an Average speed of 300-400 KB/S that is equivalent to DSL.
You need an EVDO enables device to use EVDO, or you need an EVDO Network card that you plug in your Laptop or computer. This Network Card use USB port to connect to the internet. You need to remain in EVDO network for enjoying high-speed internet without any barriers. Otherwise your speed come down, and you are not able the surf the internet with high-speed data transfer.
You need an HSDPA enables device for Surfing internet with high speed. One plus point with HSDPA technology, it supports both Voice and data Transfer at a same time. In that case, you are able to surf the internet as well as talk to your relative too. It has better data transfer speed for downloading files as compare to uploading speed. HSDPA technology gives minimum speed of 400-800 KB/S that is better than EVDO technology. You must purchase an HSDPA enabled device for using high-speed internet on your mobile phone or Smartphone. Otherwise, you need to purchase a Network card that can be plug into your Computer or laptop for accessing the internet. It makes your Device Enable for surfing internet with high speed.
In India, there is various mobile network companies offer mobile broadband service on your Mobile. Mobile broadband service provided by Aircel is base on EVDO technology where as Reliance and Airtel mobile broadband service is work on HSDPA technology. There are many Mobile networks offer HSDPA Service Other than this two.
The speed of this Technology is depending on the area in which you stay. If you are in a Metro politician Cities, data Transfer Speed is higher as compare to data transfer speed in a rural area.
Suppose that you are in an AT&T’s(Mobile Broadband Service) Area coverage, you can easily surf the web, Do voice call, Instant Messaging, Send E-MAIL but if you are out of AT&T’s coverage area, you are not able to do all this activities with high-speed as you use high-speed internet in coverage area.
Reliance and Airtel provide the same kind of service. You can enjoy everything that you think with mobile broadband service such as watching mobile TV, watching streaming Video, dial phone calls, Sending EMAIL, Download music’s and video, Listening streaming Music and much More. You can experience the speed up to 600 KB/S to 1.5 Mbps speed.
Different Mobile Network Company has different speed and speed decreases as area changes. What Money you have to give to mobile network company for using high-speed internet.
These can do in four ways. You can connect to 3G network is on following devices.
1. PDA
2. Smart phone
3. Mobile with 3G facility
4. Computer and laptop with PC Card
5. Use a Mobile Phone on Computer to Access Internet.
Based on data use, different types of plan are available in the market. It depends on mobile network company. Among all available plans, the most expensive is monthly Plan. Different kinds of plans are offered by different mobile Companies. Another plan is a pick plan that gives us maximum use of internet with your device. Suppose that Reliance gives a monthly Unlimited Plan at a price of 1300 rupees for one month, you use 15 GB with high speed and after 15 GB speed decreases but in case Of Airtel Mobile Company, they offer fixed monthly-unlimited plan for 1199 Rupees with a Maximum uses of 10 GB.
Cellular Phone Companies make various packages for Mobile users in India. You need to pay extra cash for using internet package on your mobile phone other than you regular calling Plan. There are lots of mobile plan for Internet. Every plan Contain some amount of GB uses. That depends on what plan you choose for your Mobile phone.