Internet is a cooperative interconnection of many single-entity networks such as Single Corporation, government agency, telecommunication networks. So Internet is called ‘Network of networks’. It overcomes the handicaps such as time differences, cultural variations.
E-Mail(Electronic Mail) is a very speed and inexpensive alternative to the conventional postal services. E-Mail is transfer from one computer to another along the network. Each computer reads the e-mail address and routes it to another computer until it eventually reaches it destination.
Every person has a unique e-mail address. E-Mail addresses are in the form of
Many protocols used in networking. Protocols defines the behavior of a hardware connection. A protocol is a convention or standard that controls or enables the connection, communication, and data transfer between computers. Some important protocols are HTTP, SMTP, POP3, TCP/IP.
HTTP: http gives a reliable transport. Resources used in http are identified by URI(Uniform Resource Identifiers) or URL (Uniform Resource Locators).
SMTP: It is the popular Internet protocol. It is used between the Internet hosts to transfer the e-mails from one computer to other. It’s destination for delivery is user’s e-mail box.
POP3: This protocol makes it possible for the TCP/IP dial-up account users to read, prepare and organize the emails in off-line.
TCP/IP: There are two original components of the suite. One is TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) and the another one is IP(Internet Protocol). The entire suite is TCP/IP. IP handles lower level transmissions from computer to computer whereas TCP handles higher ends.