This topic explains about the history of new technology named sharepoint. Nowadays most of them can hear the word sharepoint. Sharepoint is now becoming most wanted technology in big organizations. what sharepoint do is manage all level of employees under one umberlla. that umberlla is called sharepoint.
Microsoft has release first version of sharepoint, called SharePoint Team Services. STS could run on Windows 2000 Server or Windows XP. After that
Windows SharePoint Services 2.0(freeware software) was marketed as an upgrade to SharePoint Team Services, WSS is completely redesigned application. SharePoint Team Services stored documents in ordinary file storage, keeping document metadata in a database. Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 on the other hand, stores both the document and the metadata in a database, and supports basic document versioning for items in Document Libraries. Service Pack 2 for WSS added support for SQL Server 2005 and the use of the .NET Framework 2.0.
Windows sharepoint services 2.0 is freeware software come along with windows server
2000. Sharepoint portal server 2003 is actual core sharepoint built on WSS2.0 which gives full fledge functionality.
Next version is windows sharepoint services 3.0 is also freeware comes with windows server 2003. In this version microsoft integrated lot of office functionalities so they named as Microsoft Offiece Sharepoint Server ie. MOSS2007
built upon WSS3.0
Upcoming sharepoint version is Microsoft sharepoint 2010(twenty ten) We shall discuss on this more in future