Mara DNS is a security aware lightweight DNS that has the following advantages:
1. Security: this has a securityhistory as good as or better than any other DNS server. It was not even affected by the recently discovered DNS ports
2. Well Supported: it has a long history of being maintained and updated.
3. Easy to Use: a basic recursive configuration needs only a single three-line configuration file.
4. A Small Size: it is well suited for embedded applications and other environments, where the server must use the absolute min number of resources possible.
5. Open Source: it has a two-clause BSD licence that is almost identicle to Free-BSD
Installing this Mara DNS is easy if u have the software/file. if u dno ve the file means, get the latest version from the net. after gettin the file open a terminal and execute the following command
tar -xjvf`/maradns-
cd `/maradns-
now, ur binaries have been created and you are ready to test it. for testing u need to b the root user
cp server/maradns /usr/local/sbin
cp tools/duende /usr/local/sbin
mkdir /etc/maradns
mkdir /etc/maradns/logger
touch /etc/mararc
now open the /etc/mararc file in text editor and add the following lines:
ipv4_bind_address =""
chroot _dir ="/etc/maradns"
recursive_acl ="127.0.01"
the start maraDNS is shown below:
/usr/local/sbin/maradns &
if u are behing a NAT, such as a router, u need to forward a port 53UDP. and if u are behind a firewall, u need to allow MaraDNS to connect to the internet
u ll be good if u get a reply
bow, try running it in daemon mode:
killall maradns
mkdir /etc/maradns/logger
/usr/local/sbin/duedne /usr/local/sbin/maradns
killall maradns
if all are fine, u can install MaraDNS
cd /home/
make install
now, we have to add /usr/local/sbin and /usr/local/bin to our PATH variable by appending the following line /etc/bashrc file:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/bin
That's all.... u are done! ur server s ready to run