Hi,friends Next to Windows most of us using Linux as our operating system,most of us dont know about the frequently used shortcuts in Linux.Here i listed out some of the shortcuts used in Linux Operating System.
CTRL + B - Moves the cursor backward one character.
CTRL + C - Cancels the currently running command.
CTRL + D - Logs out of the current session.
CTRL + F - Moves the cursor forward one character.
CTRL + H - Erase one character. Similar to pressing backspace.
CTRL + P - Paste previous line and/or lines.
CTRL + S - Stops all output on screen (XOFF).
CTRL + Q - Turns all output stopped on screen back on (XON).
CTRL + U - Erases the complete line.
CTRL + W - Deletes the last word typed in. For example, if you typed 'mv file1 file2' this shortcut would delete file2.
CTRL + Z - Cancels current operation, moves back a directory and/or takes the current operation and moves it to the background. See bg command for additional information about background.
I think this will be helpful who are all using Linux Operating System.