1. What are tokens?
- The basic types are collectively called as TOKENS.
- A token is a smallest individual Unit in a program.
2. Rules for naming variables?
- Can contain alphabets, numbers and underscore( _ )
- Must begin with alphabets.
- Beginning with underscore( _ ) are system variables.
- Should not contain Special character, like #, *, @, $ etc.
Valid – abc
Invalid – a*1
3. What is the Impact of modifiers?
- Modifier is a keyword which alters the base data type to yeild new data type
- Modifier slightly changes the normal behaviour of a data type
- The four modifiers are long, short, signed and unsigned
- long - when this modifier is prefixed the range of the data type increases and much longer numbers can be stored
- unsigned - when this modifier is prefixed the range of the data type increases as the signed bit is also used to store data
4. What is assignment operator?
- An operator used to assign a constant or value or a variable to another variable.
- L.H.S is the variable which accept the value.
- R.H.S is the constant or variable which subm
- A simple equal to(=) symbol is alignment operator.
int i=10;
char ch=’y’;