Windows 8 is new mobile operating system in compare of Android and IOS. So it is natural that people find out little harder to use and manage features on this new mobile operating system. Same thing goes for managing music files on Windows 8 phone. Well adding music files on this phone is easy thing like other phones but managing is bit difficult and different thing than other mobile operating systems. So let’s learn how we can manage our music on windows 8 phone with less time and effort.
How to add Music files on windows 8 phone?
In the past it was difficult thing as we need some kind of software on our pc to add music files on windows 8 phones. But now this work is easy thing just like other phone. You can copy paste your music and other files directly on your windows phone and SD card by file transfer mode which you can access from My Computer after attaching phone to pc. But let me tell you my personal experience with it. Accessing files and copy pasting is bit harder in computer with windows xp operating system. And sometime it can be inaccessible. But in computer with windows 7 operating system this function works fine without any problem. So obviously it will work similarly on computer with Windows 8 operating system too. So make sure that you are using latest version of windows operating system on your pc to have smooth file transferring mode for your windows 8 phone and avoid any kind of problem.
How to create playlist on your Windows 8 phone?
Now sometime you need to play some specific group of songs on your phone. And for that obviously creating playlist of that group of songs is the best way. Also on windows 8 phone playlist is the only thing works well for this purpose.
But let me tell you, creating a playlist on windows 8 phone is not an easy task like other mobile operating systems. Creating playlist directly from phone is bit hard thing but you can do that easily from you windows based computer. Let’s learn both tricks for creating playlist of songs in windows 8 phone from pc and from your phone directly.
Creating playlist from your windows based computer: Just plug your windows 8 phone with your windows based computer. You will immediately notice files transfer wizard of your windows phone (like drive) on ‘My Computer’. Just open it and go to the location where your music files are. Now select particular group of songs of which you want to create playlist. After selecting songs right click on any song and select ‘create playlist’ option and give name of playlist as you like. After creating playlist you may find different name of that playlist (something like new playlist) on that folder than you have created but don’t worry on your phone you will get exact name of playlist what you have created. So that’s it, just disconnect your phone form pc and checkout in the music player playlist option, you will find out new playlist which you have created with your selected songs. By similar way you can create multiple playlist on your phone from pc by just selecting songs and enjoy particular group of songs directly. This is the easiest way I found to create playlist on windows 8 phone.
Creating playlist directly from your phone: Well, I will advise you to go for above method if you have large number of music files on your phone as with that large database you may find it hard to create playlist directly from your phone as there is no easy method given for the same on windows 8 phone. Now there is one ‘now playing list’ option in windows 8 music player whenever you select particular song or album. You can always add any song on this list. But let me tell you this list will be automatically delete when you restart your phone. And also there is easy way to delete that list by playing any video on your phone form music and video section. I am telling you about this ‘now playing list’ because only easy way to create playlist of particular songs is by this thing. You have to add list of songs in this now playing list and then you can create playlist of those songs. So obviously it is important to clear this list before creating new playlist and I have already explained above how you can clear this group. To check either there is any song in ‘now playing list’ or not is just press volume down or up button when you are on windows menu and if there is any song in that list then you will get the name of it otherwise that action will only raise or decrease the volume. Now just go to songs and select songs one by one of which you want to create playlist. After selecting from menu button click on add them in now playing. By this action it will play one of the songs you have selected, so after this from menu button select create playlist option and give name to it. That’s it. As you have added selected songs in ‘now playing list’, that whole list can be created as playlist by this way. You can checkout playlist section and you will find out created playlist with your selected songs on it. By similar way you can create another playlist. Just make sure that you clear ‘now playing list’ before creating new. As I said finding your music files for selecting them for one particular playlist is bit harder when you have large number of songs. So that’s why I have said better you go with your computer for creating playlist as it is quite easy.
Note:- Windows phone 8 operating system is little complicated. As whatever way you have used for creating playlist, you can’t edit those playlists after you have created once. I mean you can add new songs and delete particular song from any playlist. You have to create that playlist from starting by selecting the songs again. So it is really boring task.
Creating or selecting any song as ringtone on your windows 8 phone
Now creating or selecting any song as ring tone on your windows 8 phones is not direct thing like other mobile operating system. I mean you can’t directly select any song as your ringtone. For that you need to attach your phone with computer. But surely trick is quite easy once you have connected your phone with pc. You just have to copy your songs or ringtones on the ‘Ringtones’ folder which is available in the phone memory (not in SD card). Just make sure that the song or ringtone which you are putting in this folder is less than 30MB in size which is surely not hard condition. And as I said you have to put them in to folder which is available in the phone memory, so it is advisable to put limited collection of music which you want to use because phone memory is limited thing which should be not completely full.
Note- Make sure that you use your PC for moving files into Ringtone folder as it will not work if you move your music files directly from your phone. So better you use your computer for the same purpose.
Tip for putting music on your windows 8 phone
This is my personal view and way which can be helpful for finding out particular music and play particular group of music. Make sure that you put particular group of songs (for example putting one movie songs) with same album details and art (album picture). By this way you can easily find out that particular group of songs directly from album section on your music player. And with album picture you can easily recognize that songs album from your album list. So this is the way I use when I used to add songs on my windows 8 phone. That’s work fine for me and it surely reduce my timing for searching particular song or group of songs. So hope it will work well for you too.
So this is it. These are all important information regarding managing your music on your windows 8 phone. Well, on windows 8 phone it is not that easy task to do above mentioned thing in compare of other mobile operating systems. So this information can surely reduce your time and work for managing your music on your windows 8 phone. Enjoy.