There a lot of publicity surrounding the business choices, and for good reason, this is a good way to do a lot of money quickly, or their capital after months of increases could be months.
There is also a lot of publicity about how hard to learn and why options trading education need to spend thousands of dollars before you begins. Usually this last statement to say on option trading seminar course of my business comes from companies trying to sell not needed.
About the fundamentals of options on some covering set and some important points about you directly. Yes it is true that the first cash trade options you can do a lot, but obviously you can just as quickly lost.
When your business leverage shares is 1:1, if you go full out to get the margin you get 1:2 leverage, but about thats. Is not as straight forward with the option to calculate mileage, but generally speaking you can get between 1:5 and 1:10 when you on a stock or ETF is a buy option.
So when a few days to take advantage of 1:10 in 5% of its approximately 50% can increase the share options increases, and it is possible, therefore swing trading strategies using options on the shares so is popular.
But the downside is that it will not be a big loss, even if the stock drops by 50% from 5% to your options may drop, but the thing you want to close the business value of your options can save , it really depends on what your stop losses and risk.
I just asked where you describe directional trading stock options are correct direction of movement are betting on, this is highly speculative. Alternative options can be used in the more non-directional strategies, such as covered call trades, credit spreads and Iron Condors. These businesses are right on the direction the stock is too low dependance, but it still matters.
So you should trade options?, My opinion you should not trade directional option unless you are an expert stock trader already has. The reason you need to plan your entry and exit strategy and business is very accurate, and technical analysis is very good.
If you make while non - directional option trades are successful trader you need to share such an experianced do not want to, but yes it does not hurt.
Learning how to trade options is a very good skills, but not in a hurry and blow your account. Make sure you get a good education before you start trading options, and also believe that you have a very solid stock trading education as a right, such a review of the business make up Dog.