Today stock market has become one of the most doing business in the world. Even illiterate people has started doing it. For trading we want to know many things about stock markets and stocks. Millions of crores are trading in stock market in one day. Many of the people don't know how to trade thats why many of them lost their money in it. i am also a trader in stock market for last 3 years. I lost a plenty of money in my first year. But now i got the idea how to trade in stock market and now i am making 50000 per day. I had read many articles about stock market and learnt a lot about it. Here are some of the techniques to make profit in stock market. - We must be confident:- Confidence is the one of the main quality of a trader. If we lost money in share market don't be so sad. Wait for a long and then you will find your stock was going up and up. Don't be so panic about your money. At first you will lost some money in it. but don't worry about it. you can regain your invested money with profit if you wait for a long time. - We must observe the share:- Observation is the main thing. If we invested in a company we must observe its price day to day. Because we don't know which time that company will reach it in a big profit. Also observe maximum price it had gone and minimum price it had gone. - Try to research about the company:- Researching about company is very essential before buying its shares. First we want to check the fundamentals of the company. Also try to get maximum news that is based on your company. Because today market is going up and down on the basis of news spread in that company. - Profit booking:- Booking profit is a major thing. Before we invest we want to make a target price. If your share is in a high as your target book your profit don't wait for another high. If you wait for another high there is a chance to book profit by others and the stock price will dim fast. Sometimes it will increase don't look that because you had made your profit. - Buying stocks techniques :- Buying stock is the main doubt of the trader. He will be confused a lot in buying because there are a number of stocks are in our country. So from all these selection of stocks will be very difficult. For these we want to look the history of 5 major stocks and also observe it for 2-3 days and understand its resistance level and all. Now you will get an idea about these stocks and next week observe another stock like these and mark its higher level and lower level and now you will get an idea of these observed stocks like its lower price and its higher price. Now you can buy these stocks at every dip as you feel it is comfortable. Short term and long term:- For beginners long term is more comfortable. Not only beginners all traders. Because while comparing long term and short term we can find that many lose was came in short term while profit was in long term. Short term is also good if you are an expert. The main thing you have to kept in your mind is that use less money while trading in short term. Because there is a big chance to lose your money. If you are investing with an aim of long term check the fundamentals of the company and also look the condition of the company in last year. For short term buying we must observe the chart. Chart of the company will help you to gain maximum profit in short term .

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