Boddunan value your time and reward each second your spent here. For every activity on boddunan you will be rewarded with certain number of points which can be used for winning the contests. You can participate on Boddunan Revenue Sharing program which will win you assured cash credits provided you earn minimum 1000 points and in multiples of 1000 points there after.

Winning points is just a measure of how much active you are on Boddunan, however your presence will be well visible only when you contribute quality content through articles, answering questions, participating on forums, submitting new quotes, polls etc. The more quality content you submit, the more you will be liked by the people and your online identity will be much sweeter than anything else. So go ahead and be part of Boddunan community.

The points are also treated as your reputation on Boddunan and separate you from the crowd when you reach new milestones. You can earn points from multiple actions on multiple features of boddunan which are outlines below.

Activity Points
Points for signing up on 10
Daily Login 1
Birth Day Bonus 25
Posting new topic on forums 2
Replying to a topic on forums with minimum 50 characters 5
Report a Spam post on post against forum rules 8
Thank you said to a user on forum 1
Thank you received from a user on forum 2
Asking a question on Answers section 1
Answering a question on Answers section 2 5
When your answer is selected as best answer 10 20
Some one votes up your answer 3
Someone votes down your answer -2
When you vote down someones's answer -1
Submitting a new poll and approved by admin 5
Submitting a quiz on quizzes section with minimum 5 questions per quiz 20
Responding to a quiz 1
Submitting a crossword question and is approved by admin 5
Solving a crossword 2
Submitting a new quote on quotes section 3 1
Commenting on the quotes with minimum 50 characters 3

Apart from the above rewards, you can also win extra points by contributing the quality content through various features as outlined below. Please note that these are not credited automatically like above points, rather you need to request support team through contact us page for crediting points. We are working on automating this feature.

Activity Points
Posting 1000 Forum Posts 500
Posting 2000 Forum Posts 1000
Posting 5000 Forum Posts 2500
Posting 10000 Forum Posts 5000
Posting 15000 Forum Posts 7500
Posting 20000 Forum Posts 10000
For each additional 5000 Forum Posts thereafter 5000
Submitting 1000 Answers on Q&A 500
Submitting 2000 Answers on Q&A 1000
Submitting 5000 Answers on Q&A 2500
Submitting 10000 Answers on Q&A 5000
Submitting each additional 2000 Answers there after 1000

* Please note that Boddunan Administrator reserves the right to credit the above points. They will be awarded only to the users who contributed genuinely without any spam posts, short answers etc.

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