: Nature (360)
Articles [Nature]
In the last 25 years a number of solid state devices have come in to use. Most of these devices use semiconductor crystals. Field of electronics has now been revolutionized since the discovery of transistor in 1948. The vacuum tubes have now been...
Zinc chloride, calcium chloride, potato start, and water are some of the ingredients of gum. It is prepared in the following way: zinc chloride is mixed with calcium chloride and the mixture is treated with hot water in a large enamelled...
Solids can be broadly classified as either crystalline or non crystalline. In a crystal the atoms are arranged in a periodic manner in all the three directions whereas in non-crystalline solid the arrangement is random. A crystalline solid can...
Water is required by all may be animals, human being . All living beings required water for various purposes. About 2/3 rd of the earth is covered by water.Water is the most essential thing for all of us. Water is the most precious for us and we...
Thermography finds very wide applications in both engineering and medicine. Let us see few of the practical applications.
Medical thermography is a non invasive, non control tool which uses the heat for human body for diagnostic purposes. One of...
Nuclear chemistry is a branch of chemistry which deals with the study of reaction involving nuclear changes. A study of this not only helps to understand the atomic structure but also leads to a pathway to use the radioactive tracers for a number...
The electrons in the outermost orbitals of the atoms, which constitute the solid, determine its electrical properties. The electrons theory of solids aims to explain the structures and properties. Of solids through their electronic structure. The...
Global recession has become a great menace throughout the world presently and no country has remained unaffected from it. Countries after countries whether USA, UK or India are turning out to be victims to it.
Recession is that economic...
Earlier, in our villages, waste generated on the fields and animal waste was used as manure for the farms and there was o problem of its disposal. After the harvest, grass, Leaves and stems from the crop were used as fodder for farm animals while...
After the speech of the President of the United States in Prague about a world free from nuclear weapons during April 2009, it seemed like the campaign against nuclear weapons will gain momentum. After the statements on nuclear weapons made by the...
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