People & Places blogs are captivating digital realms where stories of humanity and the world unfold. These blogs celebrate the rich tapestry of human experiences, cultural diversity, and the magic of exploration.

Articles [People & Places]

The US election campaign is in full swing and in just a few months on 8th November the die will be cast. There are 4 candidates, but only 2 matter. These are the Republican and Democratic party who have shaped the destiny of America ever since the...

The last week has been a traumatic period for the world. There have been at least 5 terror attacks and in one of the most reprehensible incidents an old 85-year-old French priest was killed with a knife by a Jihadist who claimed allegiance to the...

Every passing day makes solution to the ever burning Kashmir problem look more difficult. Nearly seventy years after independence all the three affected parties, namely, India, Pakistan and Kashmiris are grappling for a solution. Since the mid...

The dust has begun to settle and the stage show has commenced with the curtain going up. The battle lines are drawn and the candidates on the verge of bagging the nomination. The GOP is likely to nominate Donald Trump, never mind that old timers...

The American election is a 4-year affair. In addition by an amendment to the US Constitution, an incumbent is restricted to just 2 terms. This is wonderful as it acts as a check to unbridled power. This amendment was passed in the late forties...

The state of Pakistan was the dream of the poet Iqbal, who visualized a homeland for Muslims of the sub-continent. That's the reason he used the word "Pak" meaning "pure" in Urdu, as the name of the new nation. Pakistan had a tortuous birth as an...

A place where labourers work hard and build up beautiful dwellings for us. The view from my balcony enables me to observe the happenings in and around a building construction site and also the living pattern of these hard core workers residing...

Bose in Indian Psyche Indians respect Bose a lot, but then let us also accept the fact that we are hero worshipers and look for heroes everywhere. One reason is that we have had very few victors who could be role models for Indians down the last...

One knows that it needs a mirror to show how one looks. Thus, what outside people feel about India and Kashmir in particular  can best be gauged only by meeting and listening to the people living outside India. I have been singularly lucky of...

Communication is our greatest source of power, the most significant characteristic of mankind. Success of a manager depends more on his ability to communicate than any other skill. It is a process involving interchange of facts, view-points and...

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