Articles [General]

Fact 1:: We all know, India got her freedom in the year 1947 but GOA got her freedom in 1961. Fact 2:: During British period in India, Pondicherry was ruled by French. Fact 3:: India's population crossed 1billion on May 11,2000. Fact 4:: India...

MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES One should make use of the opportunities and favourable conditions while they last.Opportunities knock at one's door rarely.Sometimes,an opportunity lost is lost forever.Therefore,one should be alert and agile to...

A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE If one takes action or does a piece of work immediately,it will save a lot of work later.When one notices a problem,he should act imeediately and take the necessary steps to corect it.Otherwise, the problem will...

The wind blows; the grass waveThe wild weeds, unshavedThe Sun shines; the water glowThe Icy water from the spring remains to flowThe seas go wild, the waves go highThe fish swam, the wind blow with a sighThe clouds are high and whiteThe Sun trying...

Our dreams are gone, our Life’s deadOur Memories are torn into shredsThere is blood on the floorHere and there, now and beforeThe sky is darkening; evil is revealedThere is no sign of happiness that can be releasedEveryone is rigid and weakHardly...

           Hello this article is about Tips for exams the main thing is handwriting should be good while writings exams,use Black pen for the topics,Blue pen for writing Answers ,If u present like this the staff who is correcting ur paper will have...

Introduction Most of the school teachers suffer from occupational stress that has direct bearing on the effectiveness of teaching and student-teacher relationship in our educational system. No major effort has so far been made to conduct a...

Top Ten Wealthiest Towns of India 1.chandigarh 2.panaji 3.Delhi 4.valparai 5.Greater Mumbai 6.pune 7.Ludhiana 8.chennai 9.simla 10.Jalandhar

Importance of educating women It is quite essential that every Indian woman should be educated. If a man is educated, the benefit of education goes to one person only and if a woman is educated the benefit is shared by all the members of the...

Good road need for best journey, by walk or vehicle travel. Near route necessary for early journey. Good road useful for speed journey, safety first and journey fast. Double is for safety travel- no danger. Don’t drive rash. Follow the tariff...

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