Travel and Tourism

  • I have been to a number of cities and towns in India.. I love every inch of each city but no place could mesmerize me as much as Kashmir. Having spent a considerable time of my life there, here are the 5 things which I believe you must know before planning your trip to Kashmir:



    Adventure trips could be one of the most thrilling and experiencing way to explore the inner beauty and excitement of the place. However, as it is said there is always risk wrapped with beauty. So, you need to be geared up completely to face the natural challenges during your adventure trip.

  • If you have only 6 days to cover Australia, let me tell you - it is practically impossible ! Australia is the sixth largest country by land area and 6 days does not to justice to the magnificent destination. However, there are a few places that you must and can cover in a short

  •  When you hear “Grand Canyon”, the word ‘Grand’ stands out. And true to its name, the grandness leaves you breathless. The grandness engulfs the mystery looming around the formation of such a masterpiece of the Nature. 

    I have visited the canyons thrice during my stay in
