
  • What is Ashwagandha?

    Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) also commonly known as Indian Ginseng is a perennial shrub with bright orange fruits when ripe. It has been used by Ayurveda for more than 3000 years as an adaptogen to relieve physical and mental stress. But that is just the tip

  • Introduction 

    Earthquake is a natural disaster and it happens when a sudden movement of the earth’s crust is done and when it happens the earth shakes up and causes a great loss of life and as well as property. And the energy of earthquake is measured in Richter

  • Human and Nature

    Humans are the greatest creation of nature and now humans dominate the world over nature without their permission and destroy all other creations of nature. There is no rule for destroying creation in nature's book but there is
