
  • Kashmir Burning

     Kashmir is on boil and whatever is happening is a chilling reminder that the problem is not solved and perhaps never will be. One is reminded that always the problems in Kashmir are accentuated by  a lack of will of the central government and

  • Kashmir is the Northernmost state of India and the only Muslim majority as well. It has 3 distinct regions namely the valley( 95% Muslim), Jammu(80% Hindu) and Ladakh (75% Buddhist). The ruler of this state at the time of independence in 1947 was Hari Singh. In 1947 he signed the instrument of

  • Legally Kashmir acceded to India when the ruler of Kashmir Maharajah Hari Singh signed the option to accede to India in 1947. Unfortunately misplaced zeal by the then Indian prime minister Jwaharlal Nehru saw India refer the case to the UNO. The matter came up before the security council which

  • The state of Jammu and Kashmir is located  in the extreme north of India. It has 3 distinct regions namely Jammu, Ladakh and the valley of Kashmir. Another distinct part of Kashmir is part of Pakistan. The Indians have also lost 30000 square miles to China in Ladakh. It effectively means

  • Government created a panic in kashmir by cancelling Amarnath yatra and declaring a terror attack report was given by the Intelligence. Then a blackout in kashmir followed by imposing 144, house arrests of leaders and all the modes of communication was disabled. So it was clear that all the

  • Background

    Pakistan never accepted the accession of Kashmir to India and insisted on a plebiscite in the valley to ascertain the wishes of the people of Kashmir. As was his habit, the Indian PM Jawaharlal Nehru in his misguided zeal, agreed for a plebiscite under UN

  • Kashmir state was a part of the empire of Maharajah of Punjab, Ranjit Singh. Earlier it was a part of the Mughal empire and Jahangir the emperor loved the place and compared it to paradise on earth. Thus Kashmir was a part of India for many centuries. When we say India, we refer to the

  • In a recent event - a debate on Kashmir situation  organised by the Amnesty international  , in Bangalore anti India slogans were chanted and army was heavily criticised. ABVP and other organisations are protesting  asking for action against the organisation . Amnesty

  • Kashmir is India's northernmost state, but it is divided into 3 parts and India only controls about 45% of the area as the rest of the area is under occupation of China and Pakistan. Historically Kashmir was part of the Mughul Empire and later after the collapse of the Mughul rule  was

  • The State of Jammu and Kashmir was a part of the Mughal empire( minus Aksai Chin).  Later it was incorporated in the Sikh empire. After the defeat of the Sikhs in the Anglo -Sikh wars(1846-49), the state of Punjab was annexed by the East India company. The British seperated Jammu and

  • The state of Jammu and Kashmir is part of India, but it is governed by a special provision of the Indian constitution often referred to as Article 370. This article was introduced by Jawaharlal Nehru the then prime minister of India. There was no compulsion on the Indian parliament to enact

  • Every passing day makes solution to the ever burning Kashmir problem look more difficult. Nearly seventy years after independence all the three affected parties, namely, India, Pakistan and Kashmiris are grappling for a solution. Since the mid 1980's the

  • One knows that it needs a mirror to show how one looks. Thus, what outside people feel about India and Kashmir in particular  can best be gauged only by meeting and listening to the people living outside India. I have been singularly lucky of having spent a fair amount of time abroad.
