Kashmir and India

  • It is the latest statements by the father-son duo in Kashmir which is catching the limelight of media. Can we take political gain game to that level that we pull out the national interest?? Should that be tolerated in the name of

  • Background

    Pakistan never accepted the accession of Kashmir to India and insisted on a plebiscite in the valley to ascertain the wishes of the people of Kashmir. As was his habit, the Indian PM Jawaharlal Nehru in his misguided zeal, agreed for a plebiscite under UN

  • Kashmir state was a part of the empire of Maharajah of Punjab, Ranjit Singh. Earlier it was a part of the Mughal empire and Jahangir the emperor loved the place and compared it to paradise on earth. Thus Kashmir was a part of India for many centuries. When we say India, we refer to the

  • The state of Jammu and Kashmir is supposed to be an integral part of the country. Despite this, the state has its own constitution and flag. It is also governed by a special article of Indian constitution namely article 370, which confers a special status on the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The

  • The state of Jammu and Kashmir is part of India, but it is governed by a special provision of the Indian constitution often referred to as Article 370. This article was introduced by Jawaharlal Nehru the then prime minister of India. There was no compulsion on the Indian parliament to enact
