
  • hi

  • Like our skin, our hair too is a barometer for our overall health, A healthy body has a healthy head of hair and vice versa..Our hair reacts swiftly to any changes in diet, climate , hormonal imbalance and illness..


  • Can Indian age old treatment method -AYURVEDA & SIDDHA control the disease Corona Virus .?

  • Cervical agony is chiefly brought about because of debilitating of the joints that hold the neck, any issues relating to the back, spinal string or neck can bring about neck torment. The issue in these territories may emerge from strain, fit, muscle strain, ligament tear, muscle tear, sudden
  • Hi there welcome back again to my article . So after a year long fight with the corona pandemic which we fought last year and when the cases drastically fell down to some mere numbers as compared to when they were at peak during the september period all of us thought that finally the corona
