
  • The Asian mainland has 2 powers, who will decide the future of Asia. One is China and the other is India. Japan is the third power, but it is not part of the Asian mainland. Recently at the Police and Military club in  Abu Dhabi an interesting discussion evolved with a few friends from the

  • India has a border stretching 3300 miles with China. I use the word China now  as after 1950, the Chinese army occupied Tibet, which was the buffer created by the British rulers between India and China. Tibet is no longer in existence and the Chinese have taken over the mantle of Tibetan

  • In 1950 the peoples liberation army  on orders of the Central Committee of the Communist party invaded the state of Tibet which was earlier an independent state and was recognized so by the British. It acted as a buffer between British India and China. The Indian border with Tibet and de

  • Currently Modi is going to visit China to meet their giant e-commerce CEO's, Alibaba company is one of them and to talk and make arrangements to encourage their investments in India. Hope it will be successfull to bring employment to our youth.

  • The case of Tibet shows that mistakes once made cannot be rectified. In this the blunders committed by Jwaharlal Nehru, India's prime minister( 1947-64) stand out, but for his inaction in the fifties of the last century the present state of affair where China holds all the aces would not have
