Caste Discrimination

  • Background

    India is known as a sub continent, where the dominant religion is Hinduism. The Hindu faith that has evolved over 5000 years  has a trait, that distinguishes it from other religions. It is the only religion that accepts division of society on the basis

  • MK Gandhi is propagated by the Congress government as the father of the independence movement. He is also eulogized as a man who fought the ills of Hinduism, especially caste divisions of society. Caste as we know has been a factor in Indian and ipso facto Hindu history from as far back as the

  • Today I am going to analyse  the causes of the defeat of the Hindu armies and the subjugation of Hindus for close to 900 years by the Muslims and later 200 years by the English. Is it not a surprise that at any time whether during Muslim or British rule the effective strength of the

  • Reservation & its Misinterpretation

  • The Caste system has been the bedrock of Hindu society for over 5000 years. We read about the caste system right from the time of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. The caste system is supposed to have been ordained by the Rishi Manu, whose Manusmriti is the Bible of the Caste system.
