career prospects

  • Government job is the most liked job for many youngster because it has some good attribute for which it became the desirable job for many of us. Like in our family our elders or papa's says with proud when they sat in any meeting or any where like "Hamara ladka govt job m h" right friends....

  • An Industrial Revolution of 1950, has brought about specialization and growth in the size of the organizations, awakening in labour, resulting in the formation of various labour organizations and federation. Cultural and social changes are now very fast due to the changes in the educational

  • R

    Human resource utilization cannot be put in a formula of output versus input as the individual highly complex and interpersonal relationship still more complex besides the group dynamics and organizational ideology. Therefore, the need of the time and the challenge before the manager

  • One of my younger cousins with brilliant academic credentials and having great career prospect joined politics recently as the spokesperson of a prominent political party .This got me thinking whether politics has become an attractive career option for the younger generations and more

  • Problems professionals face during initial stages of their career

    People feel excited at the beginning of their professional career and feel right on clod seven. They wish to achieve
