
  • Cow slaughter is a contentious subject in India. Mainly because the Hindu religion prohibits a devout Hindu from eating beef. in addition the cow is  considered a holy animal and given a high position in Hindu religious thought. But one fact does stand out and that is despite the Hindu

  • There has been a lot of opposition to cow slaughter and beef being eaten openly in our country with some miscreants creating problems and many Hindus are not happy with cow slaughter . However, in a country that has a considerable number of people who eat Beef and Pork it is not feasible to ban

  • There is politics in the air and the BJP made a hugh and cry by 'banning' the slaughter of cows and buffaloes for meat. The ban was enforced in Maharashtra and Haryana and in Haryana a prison term of 10 years was specified for selling beef.

    I have been wonder struck at these
