Robin Sharma

Country India
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 55
Author of bestseller book "The monk who sold his Ferrari". Motivational speaker and writer.
Title Category
“Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is.” Uncategorized
“Measure the success of your days by the lives touched vs the hours passed.” Uncategorized
“Big people don't make people feel small.” Uncategorized
“Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.” Uncategorized
“Push yourself to do more and to experience more. Harness your energy to start expanding your dreams. Yes, expand your dreams. Don't accept a life of mediocrity when you hold such infinite potential within the fortress of your mind. Dare to tap into your greatness.” Uncategorized
“All great thinkers are initially ridiculed – and eventually revered.” Uncategorized
“Because the moment you stop doing the very things that got you to the top of the mountain is the very moment you begin the slid down to the valley.” Uncategorized
“The doorway to success swings outward not inward.” Uncategorized
“I once read that people who study others are wise but those who study themselves are enlightened".” Uncategorized
“Victims recite problems, leaders provide solutions.” Uncategorized
“Want more credit for all you do and who you are? Be the one who gives credit to others.” Uncategorized
“The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.” Uncategorized
“A little bit of fragrance always clings to the hands that gives you roses” Uncategorized
“it is only when you have mastered the art of loving yourself that you can truly love others. it's only when you have opened your own heart that you can touch the hearts of others. when you feel centered and alive, you are in much better position to be a better person.” Uncategorized
“What gets measured gets improved.” Uncategorized
“Life tests the big dreamers the Passionate revolutionaries.” Uncategorized
“Be the change you want to see in your world” Uncategorized
“investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. it will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.” Uncategorized
“Would you rather live your life according to the approval of others or aligned with your truth and your dreams?” Uncategorized
“the purpose of life is the life of purpose” Uncategorized