
Country Australia
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 50
Title Category
The end of life is to be like God, and the soul following God will be like Him. Uncategorized
Wind buffs up empty bladders; opinion, fools. Uncategorized
He is richest who is content with the least. Uncategorized
Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers. Uncategorized
The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. Uncategorized
As for me, all I know is that I know nothing. Uncategorized
As for me, all I know is that I know nothing. Uncategorized
Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued. Uncategorized
The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be. Uncategorized
The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world is to be in reality what we would appear to be; all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice and experience of them. Uncategorized
And in knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all. Uncategorized
True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. Uncategorized
The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways--I to die and you to live. Which is the better, only God knows. Uncategorized
The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways - I to die, and you to live. Which is better God only knows. Uncategorized
I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world Uncategorized
Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that they may live. Uncategorized
There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. Uncategorized
I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance. Uncategorized
Having the fewest wants, I am nearest to the gods. Uncategorized
Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat. Uncategorized