
Country Unknown
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 32
Title Category
I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery. Uncategorized
Wisdom comes alone through suffering. Uncategorized
Obedience is the mother of success and is wedded to safety. Uncategorized
He who goes unenvied shall not be admired. Uncategorized
Call no man happy till he is dead. Uncategorized
For there is no defense for a man who, in the excess of his wealth, has kicked the great altar of Justice out of sight. Uncategorized
Memory is the mother of all wisdom. Uncategorized
There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief. Uncategorized
It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered. Uncategorized
From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow. Uncategorized
For the poison of hatred seated near the heart doubles the burden for the one who suffers the disease; he is burdened with his own sorrow, and groans on seeing another's happiness. Uncategorized
He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. Uncategorized