J.K. Rowling

Country European Union
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 130
Title Category
If you love something - and there are things that I love - you do want more and more and more of it, but that's not the way to produce good work. Uncategorized
I've been writing my entire life, and I'll always write. Uncategorized
I'm not a natural joiner. Uncategorized
I would like to be remembered as someone who did the best she could with the talent she had. Uncategorized
I think that I've had a very strange life. Uncategorized
I sometimes have a tendency to walk on the dark side. Uncategorized
I just write what I wanted to write. I write what amuses me. It's totally for myself. I never in my wildest dreams expected this popularity. Uncategorized
I felt I had to solve everyone's problems. Uncategorized
I've been asked this question so many times, do you feel you need to write a book for adults? No, I don't need to write a book for adults. Uncategorized
I'm opposed to fundamentalism in any form. Uncategorized
I'm a writer, and I will write what I want to write. Uncategorized
I think you're working and learning until you die. Uncategorized
I loved writing for kids, I loved talking to children about what I'd written, I don't want to leave that behind. Uncategorized
I knew no one who'd ever been in the public eye. Uncategorized
I just hate meetings. Uncategorized
I feel 80% of my life is completely normal. Uncategorized
I'm interested in that drive, that rush to judgment, that is so prevalent in our society.We all know that pleasurable rush that comes from condemning, and in the short term it's quite a satisfying thing to do, isn't it? Uncategorized
I would always want printed books. Uncategorized
I think I've really exhausted the magical. It was a lot of fun, but I've put it behind me for the time being. Uncategorized
I pay a lot of tax, and I feel, one of the reasons I stay and pay why I'm not based in Monaco... I think my country helped me. Uncategorized