Hank Aaron

Country Unknown
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 16
Hank Aaron
Title Category
The triple is the most exciting play in baseball. Home runs win a lot of games, but I never understood why fans are so obsessed with them. Uncategorized
The thing I like about baseball is that it's one-on-one. You stand up there alone, and if you make a mistake, it's your mistake. If you hit a home run, it's your home run. Uncategorized
On the field, blacks have been able to be super giants. But, once our playing days are over, this is the end of it and we go back to the back of the bus again. Uncategorized
I'm hoping someday that some kid, black or white, will hit more home runs than myself. Whoever it is, I'd be pulling for him. Uncategorized
I looked for the same pitch my whole career, a breaking ball. All of the time. I never worried about the fastball. They couldn't throw it past me, none of them. Uncategorized
I don't see pitches down the middle anymore - not even in batting practice. Uncategorized
I don't feel right unless I have a sport to play or at least a way to work up a sweat. Uncategorized
Didn't come up here to read. Came up here to hit. Uncategorized
Guessing what the pitcher is going to throw is 80% of being a successful hitter. The other 20% is just execution. Uncategorized
Failure is a part of success. Uncategorized
You can only milk a cow so long, then you're left holding the pail. Uncategorized
The pitcher has got only a ball. I've got a bat. So the percentage in weapons is in my favor and I let the fellow with the ball do the fretting. Uncategorized
I never smile when I have a bat in my hands. That's when you've got to be serious. When I get out on the field, nothing's a joke to me. I don't feel like I should walk around with a smile on my face. Uncategorized
I never doubted my ability, but when you hear all your life you're inferior, it makes you wonder if the other guys have something you've never seen before. If they do, I'm still looking for it. Uncategorized
It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course. Uncategorized
My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging. Uncategorized