Samuel Johnson

Country Unknown
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Category Social Activists
Quotes 130
Dr. Samuel Johnson, an 18th century English author, published The Dictionary of English Language in 1755. He also earned immense admiration among literary critics for his fiction novels, poems and plays. Gain inspiration from the wise words of Samuel Johnson
Title Category
No money is better spent than what is laid out for domestic satisfaction. Uncategorized
No man was ever great by imitation. Uncategorized
Melancholy, indeed, should be diverted by every means but drinking. Uncategorized
Love is only one of many passions. Uncategorized
I look upon every day to be lost, in which I do not make a new acquaintance. Uncategorized
He who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything. Uncategorized
Adversity leads us to think properly of our state, and so is most beneficial to us. Uncategorized
He who praises everybody, praises nobody. Uncategorized
You cannot spend money in luxury without doing good to the poor. Nay, you do more good to them by spending it in luxury, than by giving it; for by spending it in luxury, you make them exert industry, whereas by giving it, you keep them idle. Uncategorized
What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence. Uncategorized
The true art of memory is the art of attention. Uncategorized
The two offices of memory are collection and distribution. Uncategorized
Leisure and curiosity might soon make great advances in useful knowledge, were they not diverted by minute emulation and laborious trifles. Uncategorized
If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, sir, should keep his friendship in a constant repair. Uncategorized
He that will enjoy the brightness of sunshine, must quit the coolness of the shade. Uncategorized
You can't be in politics unless you can walk in a room and know in a minute who's for you and who's against you. Uncategorized
What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure. Uncategorized
Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise. Uncategorized
It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. The act of dying is not of importance, it lasts so short a time. Uncategorized
In order that all men may be taught to speak the truth, it is necessary that all likewise should learn to hear it. Uncategorized