
Country India
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 94
Chanakya was one of the greatest Indian Political advisor to the Emperor Chandra Gupta Maurya, he was one of the best Philosophers this world has produced. He was also known as Kautilya
Title Category
“Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” Uncategorized
I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library. Uncategorized
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great Uncategorized
It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it Uncategorized
One should not touch with one’s feet fire, guru, brahmin, cow, kumaari ( a girl less than twelve years old), an old person or a baby. Uncategorized
One should not go (cross) between two brahmins, between brahmin and fire, between husband and wife, , master and servant and plouth and the ox. Uncategorized
Three things one should be content with – one’s own wife, food and wealth. Three things one should not be content with – learning, japa (repetition of the names of the Lord) and charity (daana) Uncategorized
The knowledge in the books and wealth in the hands of others – these will not be available when the need for them arises. Uncategorized
All beings are happy to hear sweet words tempered with truth and love. Therefore one should utter only such words; why should one be stingy in using proper words? Uncategorized
One attains a high status only by his good qualities not by sitting on a high seat. Will the crow ever become the kite even though it is sitting on a high mansion? Uncategorized
Those who do not feel shy in the way they use wealth and food, in acquiring learning, in food and in personal relations, will always be happy. Uncategorized
Extreme of anger, harsh speech, poverty, enmity with relatives, association with evil men, service of people from not so good a family – these are the marks of people living in Hell Uncategorized
How is the time? Who are the friends? Which is the kingdom (or country)? What are the expenses and income? Where do I belong? What is my strength? One should frequently ponder on all these matters. Uncategorized
The hand shines by giving, not by bangles. One becomes clean by bathing, not by smearing sandalwood paste. One gets satisfaction from respect of others, not by sumptuous food. Liberation comes from knowledge of the Truth, not by adornments. Uncategorized
One who looks upon other men’s wives as mother, other people’s wealth as a lump of clay and all living beings as the Self is the real Pandita (wise and learned person ) Uncategorized
With no practice learning becomes poison; with indigestion food becomes poison; for the poor an assembly (of the rich) is poison; water immediately after eating is poison. Uncategorized
Just as the purity of gold is tested by four means, namely, rubbing, cutting, burning and beating so also man is tested by four means, namely, learning, conduct, pedigree and action Uncategorized
Poverty shines by courage, ugliness shines by good conduct, bad food shines by being hot and bad clothes shine by being clean. Uncategorized
For the fool there are thousands of sources of sorrow and hundreds of sources of fear every day, not so for the wise and the learned. Uncategorized
For the competent what is great brden? What is far away for those who work hard? Which is a foreign country for the learned? Who is not one’s own for one whose speech is laced with love? Uncategorized