
Country India
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 94
Chanakya was one of the greatest Indian Political advisor to the Emperor Chandra Gupta Maurya, he was one of the best Philosophers this world has produced. He was also known as Kautilya
Title Category
Rare indeed is a natural friend. A son who thinks of the welfare of the parents is difficult to get. A wife who is like her husband in every way (i.e. in thought, word and deed) is hard to find. A relative who is also a loved one is very rare. Uncategorized
He lives who has good qualities. He also lives who has dharma. The life of one who has neither good qualities nor dharma is without any purpose. Uncategorized
For the Brahmins, Agni (Fire) is guru, for the other varnas (kshatriya, vysya and Sudra) braahmana is guru, for women husband is guru and the guest (Atithi) is guru for everyone. Uncategorized
The cuckoo’s beauty is its melody, a woman’s beauty is pativratam, an ugly person’s beauty is learning and a tapaswi’s ( one who does tapas) beauty is forgiveness. Uncategorized
A person whose mother is not in his house and his wife always offends him by her speech, should better take to the forest. For him home is also like a forest. Uncategorized
A person whose son, servant and wife are under his control and who is content even in times of scarcity, that person is in Heaven on earth. Uncategorized
Where fools are not respected, food grains are well-stocked and there is no quarrel between husband and wife, there Goddess Lakshmi comes uninvited. Uncategorized
One should not take up residence in a place where these five are absent - rich person, a brahman learned in the vedas, king, river and doctor. Uncategorized
There is considerable distance betwwen the body and good qualities. The body can die any minute but the good qualities stay for many many ages (Persons are remembered for their good qualities even after death, not for their bodily features). Uncategorized
Even a minute of one’s life cannot be obtained even for a million gold coins. If it is not used puposefully what loss is bigger than that? Uncategorized
The sepent is cruel, the evil person is cruel; the evil person is more cruel than the serpent. The serpent can be controlled by mantra and medicines. By what means can the evil person be prevented from committing evil acts? Uncategorized
An evil person, though adorned with learning, is to be avoided. Is not the snake adorned with a jewel in its hood not frightening? Uncategorized
An evil person but his talk is pleasing to the ears of the recipient- these two things cannot go together. No one can give credence to this. It is like honey on the tongue with deadly poison in the heart. Uncategorized
No one is a friend per se and no one is an enemy per se; friends and enemies are created out of personal dealings and behaviour. Uncategorized
For one in an alien land learning is friend, for one staying at home mother is friend , for one suffering from illness medicine is friend and for the departed souls dharma is friend. Uncategorized
Good men show kindness even to those who do not possess good qualities just as the Moon does not withhold her light from the hut of a chandala Uncategorized
Even as a single dry tree on fire will destroy the whole forest, so also the entire family (or clan) will be destroyed by a son of evil character or tendencies. Uncategorized
Even as a single good tree with fragrant flowers can spread the fragrance in the entire forest, so also the entire family (or clan) shines by a son possessing good qualities. Uncategorized
For five years one’s son should be pampered, the next ten years he should be beaten (meaning he must be disciplined) and once he turns sixteen he should be treated as a friend. Uncategorized
What is the purpose of having a son who is neither learned nor devoted to God? It is useless to have a blind eye which will only result in eye-ache. Uncategorized