Robin Sharma

Country India
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 55
Author of bestseller book "The monk who sold his Ferrari". Motivational speaker and writer.
Title Category
“our vision will become clear only when you can look into your heart. who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakens” Uncategorized
“Success on the outside means nothing unless you also have success within.” Uncategorized
“I don't think about what I'll get from someone else. Instead, all I care about is what I can give. And that, my friend, has made me a very happy man.” Uncategorized
“The farmer has patience and trusts the process. He just has the faith and deep understanding that through his daily efforts, the harvest will come.And then one day, almost out of nowhere, it does.” Uncategorized
“Small daily improvments over time create stuning results” Uncategorized
“Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of you future. You will never be the same.” Uncategorized
“Failure is not having the courage to try, nothing more an nothing less.” Uncategorized
“Daily ripples of excellence -over time- become a tsunami of success” Uncategorized
“Either you set your goals and, in doing so, have your life governed by choice or you do nothing and have your life governed by chance.” Uncategorized
“Worry drains the mindof its power and, sooner or later, it injures the soul” Uncategorized
“Victim fall in love with excuses” Uncategorized
“My love of books was all that saved me.” Uncategorized
“Stand for something. Or else you’ll fall for anything.” Uncategorized
“Be the Mick Jagger of the mailroom, the Warren Buffet of bookkeeping and the Bono of stapler selling.” Uncategorized
“Perhaps the things that break our hearts are the very things that serve to open them.” Uncategorized
“Worry drains the mind of its power and, sooner or later, it injures the soul” Uncategorized
“Getting lost along your path is a part of finding the path you are meant to be on.” Uncategorized
“… saying that you don’t have time to improve your thoughts and your life is like saying you don’t have time to stop for gas because you’re too busy driving. Eventually it will catch up with you.” Uncategorized
“Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.” Uncategorized
“Mistake is a mistake only if you make it twice...” Uncategorized