Theodar Adorno

Country Unknown
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 70
Theodar Adorno
Title Category
In psycho-analysis nothing is true except the exaggerations. Uncategorized
In his state of complete powerlessness the individual perceives the time he has left to live as a brief reprieve. Uncategorized
If time is money, it seems moral to save time, above all one's own, and such parsimony is excused by consideration for others. One is straight-forward. Uncategorized
If across the Atlantic the ideology was pride, here it is delivering the goods. Uncategorized
History does not merely touch on language, but takes place in it. Uncategorized
He who has laughter on his side has no need of proof. Uncategorized
Happiness is obsolete: uneconomic. Uncategorized
Exuberant health is always, as such, sickness also. Uncategorized
Everything that has ever been called folk art has always reflected domination. Uncategorized
Because thought has by now been perverted into the solving of assigned problems, even what is not assigned is processed like a problem. Uncategorized
Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth. Uncategorized
A pencil and rubber are of more use to thought than a battalion of assistants. To happiness the same applies as to truth: one does not have it, but is in it. Uncategorized
Work while you work, play while you play - this is a basic rule of repressive self-discipline. Uncategorized
Today self-consciousness no longer means anything but reflection on the ego as embarrassment, as realization of impotence: knowing that one is nothing. Uncategorized
There is no love that is not an echo. Uncategorized
The poor are prevented from thinking by the discipline of others, the rich by their own. Uncategorized
The man for whom time stretches out painfully is one waiting in vain, disappointed at not finding tomorrow already continuing yesterday. Uncategorized
The hardest hit, as everywhere, are those who have no choice. Uncategorized
The almost insoluble task is to let neither the power of others, nor our own powerlessness, stupefy us. Uncategorized
Lies are told only to convey to someone that one has no need either of him or his good opinion. Uncategorized