
Country Unknown
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 37
Title Category
“One shall have to undergo suffering to reach truth. That is why it is said that truth is eternally victorious.” Uncategorized
“There was neither death nor immortality then. There was not distinction of day or night. That alone breathed windless by its own power. Other than that there was not anything else.” Uncategorized
“One has to be humble if he desires to acquire knowledge. ” Uncategorized
“One who makes a resolution and then makes sincere efforts to realize his dreams, nothing stops him from realizing his goal. ” Uncategorized
“Life, death and rebirth are inevitable. ” Uncategorized
“Harmony prevails if people of similar nature meet. ” Uncategorized
“The real happiness of life is in doing 'karma'. ” Uncategorized
“People who indulge in the acts of deception and debauchery are devoid of success. ” Uncategorized
“Fear leads to failure, those who are fearless are patient and valiant. ” Uncategorized
“Those who do not perform their duties and lack a sense of responsibility can never succeed in their lives. ” Uncategorized
“There is no religion greater than truth and a truthful person knows no fear. ” Uncategorized
“The main factor behind success is - self control. ” Uncategorized
“The person desirous of success and strength should perform good karma continuously. ” Uncategorized
“One can emancipate himself only by treading on the path of truth.” Uncategorized
“In order to achieve good result, a pious-objective is determined first and then followed by good Karma for its accomplishment.” Uncategorized
“For the successful accomplishment of any work one needs sharp intellect and the will to perform relentless Karma. ” Uncategorized
“Human beings perform good karma (deeds) in order to attain success.” Uncategorized
“Intelligence is the mightiest and nothing is beyond its reach. ” Uncategorized
“One should, perform karma with nonchalance without expecting the benefits because sooner of later one shall definitely gets the fruits. ” Uncategorized
“People accept only that person as their leader who is radiant with good knowledge and karma (deeds). ” Uncategorized