Lyndon B. Johnson

Country American Samoa
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 34
Title Category
A President's hardest task is not to do what is right, but to know what is right. Uncategorized
When I was young, poverty was so common that we didn't know it had a name. Uncategorized
The guns and the bombs, the rockets and the warships, are all symbols of human failure. Uncategorized
It may be, it just may be, that life as we know it with its humanity is more unique than many have thought. Uncategorized
I'm tired. I'm tired of feeling rejected by the American people. I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night worrying about the war. Uncategorized
I don't believe I'll ever get credit for anything I do in foreign affairs, no matter how successful it is, because I didn't go to Harvard. Uncategorized
You aren't learning anything when you're talking. Uncategorized
Lyndon Johnson Quote Uncategorized
Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men's skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact. Uncategorized
If two men agree on everything, you may be sure that one of them is doing the thinking. Uncategorized
The noblest search is the search for excellence. Uncategorized
The fifth freedom is freedom from ignorance. Uncategorized
Presidents quickly realize that while a single act might destroy the world they live in, no one single decision can make life suddenly better or can turn history around for the good. Uncategorized
It is the genius of our Constitution that under its shelter of enduring institutions and rooted principles there is ample room for the rich fertility of American political invention. Uncategorized
In our home there was always prayer - aloud, proud and unapologetic. Uncategorized
I want to make a policy statement. I am unabashedly in favor of women. Uncategorized
I believe the destiny of your generation - and your nation - is a rendezvous with excellence. Uncategorized
We have entered an age in which education is not just a luxury permitting some men an advantage over others. It has become a necessity without which a person is defenseless in this complex, industrialized society. We have truly entered the century of the educated man. Uncategorized
Poverty must not be a bar to learning and learning must offer an escape from poverty. Uncategorized
A man without a vote is man without protection. Uncategorized