Lyndon B. Johnson

Country American Samoa
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 34
Title Category
Doing what's right isn't the problem. It is knowing what's right. Uncategorized
Education is not a problem. Education is an opportunity. Uncategorized
If you let a bully come in your front yard, he'll be on your porch the next day and the day after that he'll rape your wife in your own bed. Uncategorized
What convinces is conviction. Believe in the argument you're advancing. If you don't you're as good as dead. The other person will sense that something isn't there, and no chain of reasoning, no matter how logical or elegant or brilliant, will win your case for you. Uncategorized
I will do my best. That is all I can do. I ask for your help - and God's. Uncategorized
Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time. Uncategorized
John F. Kennedy was the victim of the hate that was a part of our country. It is a disease that occupies the minds of the few but brings danger to the many. Uncategorized
There are no favorites in my office. I treat them all with the same general inconsideration. Uncategorized
No member of our generation who wasn't a Communist or a dropout in the thirties is worth a damn. Uncategorized
We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves. Uncategorized
The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men. Uncategorized
Any jackass can kick down a barn but it takes a good carpenter to build one. Uncategorized
If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: "President Can't Swim." Uncategorized
I have learned that only two things are necessary to keep one's wife happy. First, let her think she's having her own way. And second, let her have it. Uncategorized