Jenson Ackles

Country Unknown
Born Tuesday, 30 November -0001
Quotes 21
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What I enjoy most is travelling to different places and meeting new people. For me, it's all about life experiences, and I'm very grateful that acting allows me so many interesting and fulfilling ones. Uncategorized
There are just certain things that turn my head. It may be a girl's sense of humor, it may be her wit, or her belief system; it could be a lot of different things. Uncategorized
Some people will go to the opening of an envelope. They live their lives in the public eye and get off on it, they need it. They need that kind of adoration. If their name isn't in the tabloids once a week they feel like a failure. Uncategorized
My father is an actor, so he brought me into his agency when I was young. It wasn't something I wanted to do until high school, when I started taking theater and really liked it. Then an agent found me and wanted me to come out to Los Angeles and give it a shot. I gave myself six months, but it only took me like a week to get a job. Uncategorized
It's hard being on a new network, a smaller network. Uncategorized
I'm just a regular boy who goofs around, pulls pranks, and makes jokes.aI'm not Mr. Debonair Suave. I'm just a regular boy who goofs around, pulls pranks, and makes jokes. That doesn't sound very hot to me. Uncategorized
I'm a mad Gummi fan. I always have Gummis in my trailer. But you can't eat too many because then you get Gummi tummy, and that's no good. I can't believe I'm saying this. Uncategorized
I see all the red carpet paparazzi stuff and I'm like, 'Really? Do I have to?!' I like to work and I know that's part of the job. But you kind of take it in stride. Uncategorized
I love the smell of shampoo on a girl's hair. You can walk past someone and be like, 'Wow, you took a shower this morning, didn't you? Because you smell lovely.' Uncategorized
Comedy, drama, Westerns, sci-fi... it's all fine if the story's compelling and the character is interesting to me. I do like action a lot. Uncategorized
Being from Texas, I would say I favor a pair of jeans you can wear some boots with. Uncategorized
I used to be scared of uncertainty; now I get a high out of it. Uncategorized
When we started, we knew the show was going to be hit or miss, and we needed to find a core audience to really make us survive. And I think we've been able to do that. Uncategorized
I'm into a casual-dressing girl: blue jeans and a tank top is super sexy. But the sexiest thing on a girl - when I see it I'm like, oh my God - is these little tight boxers. Don't get me wrong, g-strings are fine, but those cover a little, to where it's just enough. Uncategorized
The worst gift that I ever gave a girl was a suitcase for Christmas. As in, 'I can't think of anything to give you, but here's a new suitcase.' Afterward, I was like, 'What were you thinking, idiot?' Uncategorized
I'm not Mr. Debonair Suave. I'm just a regular boy who goofs around, pulls pranks, and makes jokes. That doesn't sound very hot to me. Uncategorized
I consider myself a non-denominational Christian. I grew up in a Bible church and still hold those beliefs very close to me. Uncategorized
I was in preschool and a girl actually kissed me on the cheek. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what it meant, so I instantly grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips. And, then I got suspended. Uncategorized
I get nervous around girls for the first time. Once I'm in, I can take the reins and go. It's just the initial approach I'm really bad at. Uncategorized
I'm from Texas, and I would love to do an old-fashioned gun-slinging Western. Uncategorized